Heartdwells O! (In Reconstruction)

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Status Opennnn A million love in the form of love and behavior, well and eternally I express how we stand a drop of water in the act of love in charisma
Account orders: @monsoieur
Bot hfw/mutual: @heartdwellsrobot
Honest review : @textheartdwells

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Anyway anywayy, aku mau minta pendapat kalian. Semisal aku rombak konsep dari store ini kalian suka tidakk 🤔? Bantu vote yukk, aku bimbang bgt mau rombak atau ngga :(
  •   Yayy, we need a new atmosphere!
  •   Nay, we already comfort with this concept.
35 ta ovoz

Hii splendid noon, Artwells! How’s your day guys?? But I hope your day is amazing as you are!

Heartdwells officialy close! Time for rest and peace of mind teeeemeentemeen! tapitapitapi buat yang udah custom moodboard sama aku, aku sending resultnya besok pagii yaa! besok aku close sampe tanggal 4 mareetttt. terimakasih banyakbuat tementemen yang udah order hariiniii. terus buat yang mau order moodboard readynyaahh send aja format ke @monsoieur!! akubalas kok🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️peacefulness semuaa

< SOLD! Thankyou K >

Heartdwells opeennn! aku sudaaah open custom moodboard,wording yaaa tementemeeennn! cherish hopes contact me betwixt https://t.me/monsoieur have a nice daayyy all!

< SOLD! Thankyou C! >

< SOLD! Thankyou R! >

Sudaaaaahhhh open lagi yaaaa, aku juga open custom with inrush no fee pastinyaa! payment only dana / qris with fee, result, format, pricelist ada di @heIIenic! have a nice dayyy temeeeentemeeennn ^

Closeclose! thankyouuu somuch buat yang udah order hariiniii sama kemarenkemarenn, nanti siang aku open lagii yaaa jangan worry!! aku close soalnyaa hp aku udah ngejam ngelag panas buangeetttttt

< SOLD! Thankyou A! >

< SOLD! Thankyou H! >

Choose one plissssssss
  •   Isalee duluuu
  •   Haechan duluaaannn
  •   Duaduanyaaaaaa ajaa
22 ta ovoz

React hati kalo kaliaan mau moodbord haechan

< SOLD! Thankyou M! >


Hai–Hai ArtWells! aku mulai open moodboard custom yaaaa... inrush no fee, avail custom sampe 30+ slide. untukk result moodboard nyaaaa boleh stalk @HeIIenic ajaaa. pl nya boleh minta di room chat ajaaa! dont worry buat tanya tanyaaaaa, payment nya avail dana & qris yaaaahhhh, contact ke @aphroditenism and testinya ada di @textheartdwells, ditunggu orderannyaaaaaahhhhhh :D

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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