Folkish Pagans against the Modern World

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A place for Folkish Pagans who oppose the subversive modernity.

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European Identity dan repost
The poison of the doctrine of "equal rights for all"—it was Christianity that spread it most fundamentally. Out of the most secret nooks of bad instincts, Christianity has waged war unto death against all sense of respect and feeling of distance between man and man, that is to say, against the presupposition of every elevation, of every growth of culture; out of the ressentiment of the masses it forged its chief weapon against us, against all that is noble, high-minded on earth, against our happiness on earth. "Immortality" conceded to every Peter and Paul has so far been the greatest, the most malignant, attempt to assassinate noble humanity.

-Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist, 43.

Modern Slavic ritual masks

European Identity dan repost
Selene, 1880 painting by Albert Aublet

Artemis we hymn — no light thing is it for singers to forget her — whose study is the bow and the shooting of hares and the spacious dance and sport upon the mountains

Hymn to Artemis by Callimachus translated by A.W.Mair

Pagan Revivalism dan repost
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There's a reason why the American wild-west has had such great appeal. Not just in the states, but even abroad. I'm almost certain that it taps deep into ancient blood memory.

It also harkens to ancestral morality. I.e. it was a time when if our folk were attacked, we struck back hard and didn't turn the other cheek.

"A wayfarer should not walk unarmed,
But have his weapons to hand:
He knows not when he may need a spear,
Or what menace meet on the road."
Odin - Havamal - 38

That ancestral wisdom was needed in the wild-west, in antiquity and even today. Divine, timeless and practical wisdom indeed

After years of researching abrahamic sects I came to a a conclusion that the majority of texts about early history and spread of those sects is pure fiction written by the brainwashers emulating the propaganda of the first christians i.e. jews.

It is still important to read and analyze those, but you will soon see that the stories of christian martyrs and miracles are fake and clearly follow the same template.
Roman and Greek tradition of preserving history in writing was subverted and helped write this new, fake history. Not unlike what we see today with countless attempts at rewriting our history.

Wicca is such a joke. Every time I think the trend has finally dies there’s one popping up. Though, there’s still less of them than back in the 90s.

^ Thanks for the shout-out!

Folkish Worldview dan repost
The essential feature of modernity is autonomy: auto-nomos, literally self-law. Everything wrong with the world comes back to man attempting to give himself law, rather than getting it from the gods.

The Christian tries to do this by saying "conscience is the voice of God". Bad enough when the king's conscience is the voice of the god; Christianity makes every man's conscience the voice of the god. What kind of law can be based on this?

What Christianity does openly, Platonism does covertly. Platonism makes every man a lawgiver by interpreting the gods' actions and commands allegorically. The worshipper must decide for himself if the deeds of Odin or Zeus are lawful. If their deeds don't meet his personal standard, they are deemed "allegorical"; the god must have meant something different, something to be filled in, naturally, by the worshipper himself. The result is that the gods are in no position to correct us, because where we disagree, it must be "allegory". This is a subtle, and for that reason especially dangerous, crowning of the individual.

The Enlightenment completes this self-law by simply doing away with the god. Because if the god can never correct us, even in principle, what is the difference if he doesn't exist?

Don't be fooled by the toga, the tonsure, or the tri-corner hat. Whether Platonism, Christianity, or the Enlightenment, all these are just modernity.

Only folkish paganism presents any alternative.


Best thing to invest in is not education (which is mostly just propaganda), not material goods, not even land (though it sure is nice), but relationships. Real friends and a loyal partner is what you will truly appreciate with time because they help you become a better self.

Sveahuldra dan repost
Spring flowers

Maiden with a laurel wreath by Henry Ryland

European Identity dan repost

Nietzsche was the greatest philosopher since the days of Ancient Greece. The only reason many consider him to be a nihilist is the controlled slander campaign the ((academia)) launched against him for criticizing platonism, christianity and other subversive trends.

Sveahuldra dan repost

You won’t get good at anything before you actually start doing it. Rituals can be conducted relatively rarely, but you still got to have some in your life, both to establish a real connection with the Gods and to receive blessings. Start with a small household altar and expand if possible.

First thing I’ll explain is the use of (somewhat) controversial term Pagan.
I get that for some (mostly christians) it used to be (and still is) derogatory, but the world itself is not negative both etymologically and semantically. It means a follower of a non-jewish faith.
Sure, one can use a synonym or a cognate like heathen, ethnikos etc or something like Asatru, Rodnover and so on depending on your tradition.

I am going to write on traditional European faiths henceforth addressed as Paganism (for simplicity's sake). I’ve been a Pagan for more than a decade and researched different European traditions.
Keep in mind that this is a Folkish channel, so people of non-European descent should look elsewhere and follow their own ancestral ways.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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