Free Florida

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We seek to advance the cultural, social, economic and political well-being and independence of the Southern people, by all honorable means.

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“Independence is not a hope, a wish, or a dream—it’s an inevitability.” – Daniel Miller, TNM.ME

Did you know that hurricanes are racist?

Southern Nationalist dan repost
Twelve Fundamental Rules for Southern Nationalists

1.The mantra “Violence [or the serious threat thereof] never settles anything” is patently false. History shows that it indeed does settle many things. Please don’t forget this—your enemy hasn’t.

2.Never underestimate your enemy but always make him underestimate you. There are some advantages to being perceived as “dumb Southerners . . .”

3.Educate yourself –don’t be content to be part of the herd. Learn useful things. Stupid, lazy people are not free people.

4.Don’t take anything for granted. Things are not always what they seem. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to be the same as today. Your own personal and family routine can be disrupted quite easily. Do you have a contingency plan?

5.Be a leader—don’t be a sheep (unless Christ is your Shepherd). Generate your own solutions instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you. How many times have I gotten a phone call from a League member who complains that nothing is happening in his area? What do I tell him . . . ?

6.Get tough, mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. The weak will surely perish. Don’t be afraid to be seen as a dissenter. Speak your mind—you’ll find people will respect you for it and will listen to what you have to say. Be willing to take risks. And most importantly, don’t take counsel from your fears. This is what the enemy expects you to do in the face of his superior strength (so he thinks). Disappoint him . . .

7.Don’t engage the enemy on ground of his own choosing. Don’t accept his labels—“domestic terrorist,” “right-wing extremist,” “racist,” “anti-Semite,” etc. These terms are meant to shame and marginalize you. Know you own mind and laugh them off. This is quite unsettling to the enemy. Once he sees that you don’t wish to be accepted into his “society,” then he loses a major weapon (ostracization) to use against you.

8.Be unpredictable. If the enemy expects you to do “A,” then do “B.” Be creative with this category . . .

9.Pay heed to your experiences in all things. If something works, use it. If something fails, abandon it. If something is necessary, keep it; if it proves useless, get rid of it. This includes the mental as well as the physical. Don’t allow useless sentiments or junk to rule you. Get rid of anything that is a drag on your ability to be an effective warrior for Southern independence.

10.Know hope. You will make mistakes. They are valuable learning experiences. Just don’t make big ones that cannot be overcome. Don’t give in to cynicism, defeatism, or nihilism—they will assure your ultimate destruction. Be realistic but never abandon your sense of optimism and hope for the future. Never fall victim to complacency—you can always do better.

11.He who is willing to kill and die for a cause will defeat one who isn’t. Always act as if you are fighting in the last ditch for the survival of all you hold dear. The enemy does intend on killing you and taking all you have. He has made this fight personal—you had better take it that way.

12.We are already at war—we just don’t know it. One instance: Immigration or our demographic replacement. This is not just a matter of policy. It’s a matter of our very survival as men and women of European and Christian stock on this land we call the South. It is a zero sum game—we win or they win. There is no middle ground for compromise. Losing means that my grandchildren will grow up in a third world country. Multiculturalism and diversity means “we” cease to exist as a viable and prosperous people. Another instance: the criminal bankers and their politician-whores in Washington, DC, are in the process of stealing the wealth of the Southern middle and working class. We should have already considered this a declaration of war against us, for how can a man survive if he is robbed of his very sustenance. And the whole scheme is being pulled off under color of law. If this does not make you want to fight, then you don’t belong in our organization.

Red-State Secession dan repost
38% of Republicans say states are likely to secede within 10 years. #NationalDivorce

For those that would like to attend the Florida Freedom Conference on January 7, 2023 you may register here:

Note: The initial email from EventSmart will state that your registration is “Not Approved”. Once security has done their job, you will receive an email with an “Approved” status and a ticket.

Also, as additional information comes available, there will be announcements/emails sent.


Talking about independence is all well and good, but we have to look beyond the ideal and face reality. In the end, there is one basic question that must be answered first. Could an independent Republic of Florida not only survive, but thrive as its own independent nation, free from the rest of the United States?

The answer is yes, and quite handily at that. These are the reasons why.


Florida certainly has the people and the land. With nearly 22 million residents spread out over 65,758 square miles (including the longest coastline in the lower 48 states) we are the third largest state in terms of population and, if we were an independent country we would rank well into the top half of nations in terms of territory and larger than the State of Israel in population.


Right now, even hampered by onerous Federal regulations instead of being able to fine-tune the way we do things to our advantage, Florida has the second largest economy (GDP by State in 2022) in the union. With a $1.1+ trillion GDP, if the Sunshine State were a free nation, it would rank economically as 16th in the entire world, ahead of most of the European Union States, and all of the former Iron Curtain countries with the exception of the Russian Federation. With our population, that makes for an average annual Gross Individual Product of $54,545, putting us at 16th in the world in that department, between Austria and the Netherlands.

Besides the most obvious industries like tourism and agriculture, Florida has thriving international banking, biomedical and life science, healthcare research, simulation training, aerospace and defense, electronics, and commercial space travel industries that are growing by the day. We are also ranked third among the fifty states in movie production and second in entertainment in general.

In terms of trade, Florida is the 8th ranked state in exports, sending over $60 billion dollars’ worth of manufactured goods and food abroad each year, and that’s with the Federal restraints holding us back.


Can Florida feed itself? Yes, and then some! The Sunshine State is ranked 15th in terms of agriculture in the union, with almost 10 million acres devoted to producing approximately $8 billion worth of products, from beef to oranges.

As for our fisheries, Florida’s commercial landings of almost 70 million pounds net well over $3 billion dollars in profit and employ around 77,000 people, and that’s not counting the million and a half licensed recreational anglers whose sport and food fishing, when combined with the commercial fisheries, generates $14 billion a year.,billion%2C%20a%20decrease%20of%20%24290%20million%20from%202016.


Militarily and using only males, Florida, if it used a militia system similar to Switzerland’s, could put between 1.2 and 2 million able-bodied men of fighting age (17-45) in the field at any given time. With a large percentage of active-duty, veterans and military retirees here to form a core cadre and 21 existing military bases, the Sunshine State would be a force to be reckoned with.

So yes, Florida could obviously take its place among the nations of the Earth and prosper greatly in the process. In fact, without being held back and restricted by distant powers, we could do much better than we are now.

The Florida League of the South is continually working toward this goal.

Remember, If you’re not free to leave, then you’re not free!

Join us at FreeFlorida. org

-Article written by Greg Kay-

I just dumped 117 memes on VK, a mixture of Florida and National ... that I have created over the years. I couldn't dump them in large quantities anywhere else ... so they are housed here: .... sharing is caring ...

Southern Nationalist dan repost
A proud day for The League.

On this 5th anniversary of the Battle of Charlottesville I am reminded of the heroic actions of the men and women of the League that day. All you professed to believe was put to the test in the furnace of affliction. Your loyalty to the League, your loyalty to the cause of your fathers, your loyalty to your folk were put on trial. Tough talking internet posers were separated from the rock steady defenders of all that we hold holy by the violence of our enemies and the later legal fallout.

The whole world was watching you that day and they still talk about you now as mighty defenders of our folk. They wish now that they could have been you then. You crossed an historic line that day that made our enemies tremble and gave courage to our people. You gave hope where hope had fled, you gave strength to the weak and you gave courage to the timid. You reminded our enemies that you are still the sons and daughters of the Living God and the greatest race to ever cast it's shadow upon the earth.

Do not squander this honor. The Adversary has his eyes on you and will attempt to divide and dissuade you from ever standing up to him and his lowly minions ever again. The battle is not over. The courage and commitment you displayed on the streets of Charlottesville will be demanded of you every day until that great Day of Judgement where you will stand before your God and your fathers in either everlasting Glory or endless shame.

I have accomplished some great things in my life but my proudest day was standing beside you in that whirlwind of chaos and demonstrating to the children of Darkness with our fists and our shields that they will not replace us. We will continue to battle them to their last bloody ditch. To those valient defenders of Charlottesville, I salute you.

-Michael Tubbs

Southern Secessionist Sanctuary dan repost
Join us Friday August 12th 8PM Eastern 7PM Central Time when Michael Hill, David Duke, and several others join us for the Charlottesville 5 year anniversary broadcast! This is one you don't want to miss! You will get the complete inside scoop about this event and where we go forward!

Southern Nationalist dan repost
League of the South statement: The US government is an organized criminal enterprise. Recent actions by the DOJ/FBI against former President (and likely 2024 candidate) Donald Trump points up the immediate need for the Southern states to invoke the doctrines of nullification and interposition as well as secession. We encourage all citizens to contact their state legislators, first of all, to prohibit the FBI and other federal agencies from operating at will within the states and then to make a clean break with DC. Though Florida is the current flashpoint, similar actions by the Feds are likely in other Southern and "red" states. Only by standing together can Southerners and our allies repel the ongoing federal invasion of Dixie. Let's make our longstanding slogan "Feds Out of Dixie" into a reality. No one, including Trump, is coming to save us. We must do it ourselves. The next step should be our exit from this corrupt union and the establishment of a free and independent Southern republic.--Michael Hill, LS President

Southern Secessionist Sanctuary dan repost
Join us at Southern Secessionist Sanctuary where Michael Hill will discuss in detail his experience at Charlottesville. We also will allow others to call in and give their recollection of the events as well. We will destroy the Antifa narrative that our side were the villains that day when it was the Antifa causing the real violence.

August 12th, 8PM Eastern 7PM Central Be there for the ultimate event!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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