⚡️With Escrow you can buy and sell anything safely without Any risk. Truly secure payments
⚡️We Provide safe, reliable and trustworthy escrow services and will be for many years to come.
⚡️Here you get all Official admin List with verifid tag who do escrow.
⚡️All Admins Contact details Mentioned Below. We don't have any other Admin🤟
1) @GalaxyGamerYT (Owner) ✅
(Always Online)
2) @GalaxyAccounts (Owner)✅
(Always Online)
Verifyed AdminList
3) @GalaxyxAdmin (Verified) 🧡
(Always Online)
4) @GalaxyPrinceYT (Verified) 🧡
(Always Online)
5) @GalaxySubhamYT (Verified) 🧡
(Always Online)
6) @GalaxyPranayYT (Verifid) 🧡
(Less Online)
7) @GalaxyAmanYT (Verified) 🧡
(Less Online)
8) @GalaxyOfficialBot (Verified) 🧡
(Telegram Official Bot)
_ More Coming Soon _
Related Money Lose' or Any type of Scam Report here : @FraudReports
⚡️With Escrow you can buy and sell anything safely without Any risk. Truly secure payments
⚡️We Provide safe, reliable and trustworthy escrow services and will be for many years to come.
⚡️Here you get all Official admin List with verifid tag who do escrow.
⚡️All Admins Contact details Mentioned Below. We don't have any other Admin🤟
1) @GalaxyGamerYT (Owner) ✅
(Always Online)
2) @GalaxyAccounts (Owner)✅
(Always Online)
Verifyed AdminList
3) @GalaxyxAdmin (Verified) 🧡
(Always Online)
4) @GalaxyPrinceYT (Verified) 🧡
(Always Online)
5) @GalaxySubhamYT (Verified) 🧡
(Always Online)
6) @GalaxyPranayYT (Verifid) 🧡
(Less Online)
7) @GalaxyAmanYT (Verified) 🧡
(Less Online)
8) @GalaxyOfficialBot (Verified) 🧡
(Telegram Official Bot)
_ More Coming Soon _
Related Money Lose' or Any type of Scam Report here : @FraudReports