Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
You know that we are not trusting a lot people (because most just share bullshits if you check such infos) and generally there are just few people that really speech free, without bullshit or marketing goals or double face or whatever. Around 2 weeks ago we discovered Jordan Peterson with our workflows.
From what we heard until now (obviously we haven't checked all videos!), we agree with him, because he is one of the few people that he doesn't hold back facts for the fear of what people think about him. So he's acting like us, without fear to say things that need to be said, if something need to be changed. Reason why he is hated by many people. Just because other considering him to provoke people, but in reality he just shows facts that people don't want to accept (probably because they are doing the opposite, knowing the message is especially addressed to them)! No one other or just few other are doing that in the same way. The same topic has been already started here about climate change / vegan, where other people talked about such things too.
PS: remember that not just because one people you follow is sharing infos, means he is always saying correct things. If we find something shit we have no problem to say that, or at least to open a discussion.
We are happy, because so we can continue the project StopDieWelle using english speeches of things we already wrote and reported in other languages too (at the end our english pronunciation is shit ...).
From what we heard until now (obviously we haven't checked all videos!), we agree with him, because he is one of the few people that he doesn't hold back facts for the fear of what people think about him. So he's acting like us, without fear to say things that need to be said, if something need to be changed. Reason why he is hated by many people. Just because other considering him to provoke people, but in reality he just shows facts that people don't want to accept (probably because they are doing the opposite, knowing the message is especially addressed to them)! No one other or just few other are doing that in the same way. The same topic has been already started here about climate change / vegan, where other people talked about such things too.
PS: remember that not just because one people you follow is sharing infos, means he is always saying correct things. If we find something shit we have no problem to say that, or at least to open a discussion.
We are happy, because so we can continue the project StopDieWelle using english speeches of things we already wrote and reported in other languages too (at the end our english pronunciation is shit ...).