Active Georgia

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Are you ready to defend the Empire State of the South?

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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The time has come for Georgians to embrace Secession. The mid-terms showed even with brutal inflation, crime and a massive invasion on the border won't break the Blue line in the Yankee Rust-belt. The writing is on the wall that the US Empire is on its way to a totally dysfunctional police state. Georgia's managed to hold off the anti-Southern jezebel Stacey Abrams and now we must use this breathing space to make true Southern policy making. Secession is the only way forward for this state. We can either secede and work with our Southern sister states or continue to follow the false song of national reform. It's either secession or submission. I choose the former....

A symbol of defiance against an Empire that hates us, our people, our culture, and God. Join today.

Know your flag and where your loyalty lies. Ours lies with the mission of the League. That mission is the political, economic, and cultural independence of the South. Only firmly committing to the League and working with your Southern brothers and sisters can we accomplish such a goal.

We may not be pro-Kemp but Georgia should never be lorded over by a foreigner. Georgians decided yesterday that they will reject the anti-Southern candidate Stacey Abrams. Going forward Georgians need to hold Kemp accountable and push him into a true re-Southernization of Georgia. It will take much effort, time, and struggle but I believe Kemp will bend the knee to us when he realizes it will benefit his career. If we don't secure Independence soon I fear someone worst than Abrams will become Governor in 2026. Albeit this hedonistic country may not make it that far.

Southern Nationalist dan repost
The main problem in Georgia is Atlanta, a jew/black dominated shit hole and den of corruption. It is a cancer that will kill that state if it is not properly treated. And so far, that has not happened.--Michael Hill

Deep in the Georgia backroads and mountains.

Georgia isn't for sale

Get involved today!

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