ㅤ II. All of username in here it's belong to @aogirri. Make transaction only in @isekkaibot.
III. Aogiri personal bot only @Bowlcutbot & @isekkaibot. Bowlcut only for WTB. Don't ever asking username and help forwarding to there.
IV. @NneverIand for proof pay - buying our username. Reminder, read Terms And Condition before you buy username at here. Be a wise buyer.
V. For information, disini selalu di adminin dahulu sebelum transfer owner jadi kalau enggak di adminin jangan mau take oke. Langsung lapor ke bot, atau take lewat @isekkaibot.
III. Aogiri personal bot only @Bowlcutbot & @isekkaibot. Bowlcut only for WTB. Don't ever asking username and help forwarding to there.
IV. @NneverIand for proof pay - buying our username. Reminder, read Terms And Condition before you buy username at here. Be a wise buyer.
V. For information, disini selalu di adminin dahulu sebelum transfer owner jadi kalau enggak di adminin jangan mau take oke. Langsung lapor ke bot, atau take lewat @isekkaibot.