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Esoteric Hitlerism dan repost
"Through that love - and through it alone - he was to raise himself to the intuitive certitude of the eternal Truth upon which he was to build the National Socialist Doctrine, the modern form of the perennial Religion of Life, to that certitude which separates him from even the greatest politicians and sets him straight away into the category of the warring Seers, Founders of the healthiest civilizations we know, into the category of the Men 'against Time,' whose vision grasps, beyond our sickly world, doomed to speedy destruction, the yet unthinkable following Golden Age, of which they the prophets and will be the gods."
Savitri Devi
The Lighting and the Sun
Chapter 12

Esoteric Hitlerism dan repost
"The heavenly Powers, however, gave the divine Child two main privileges through which he was, amazingly soon, to become aware of it, to reinvent it of its own accord: first, a pure, healthy heredity, containing the very best both of Nordic and of Celtic blood - the fiery imagination and mystical intuition of the Celt, allied to Nordic will -power, thoroughness, efficiency, and sense of justice (and insight also); and, along with that, a passionate limitless, and fathomless love for that German Land that stretched on both sides of the Inn as well as on both sides of the Danube and beyond, and for it's people, his blood -brothers: not for those who are perfect specimens of higher humanity (for there are none in this Dark Age) but for those who can and will become such ones, while they have the stuff in them."
Savitri Devi
The Lighting And The Sun
Chapter 12

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Prabhupada Morning Walk - October 8, 1972, Berkeley

Paramahamsa: Adolf Hitler was vegetarian.
Prabhupada: Who?
Paramahamsa: Adolf Hitler.
Svarupa Damodara: Hitler.
Prabhupada: Ah. He was a good man.
Paramahamsa: Oh!
Prabhupada: Therefore he did not drop the atomic bomb.
Paramahamsa: Yes I agree.
Prabhupada: Your Truman dropped.
Paramahamsa: Not my Truman.
Prabhupada: Yes your Truman your president.
Paramahamsa: I’m not American.
Devotees: [laughter]
Prabhupada: He hesitated; therefore I don’t believe that he killed so many Jews in concentration camps.
Paramahamsa: But actually Hitler he was trying to invent the atom bomb, but the Americans invented it before before Tru.. The Americans invented it before the Nazis did.
Prabhupada: No no the Americans stolen..
Svarüpa Damodara: The German Germans invented the atomic.. The Germans first..
Paramahamsa: [indistinct] they had the plan but they could not invent it.
Prabhupada: No what they drop dropped in Japan that was German.. technology arrangement

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