✶ 8,760 days ago on April 24 1996, was born a girl with beautiful and charming face like an angel and now she has grown into an adult girl who is loved by everyone in the world, she is Go Younjung. She had passed it for many years with all her efforts, whether it was difficult or happy times, that period was a very precious time for her. Happy birthday to Go Younjung and all Go Younjung rp ers especially me, Sandyakala, Yovela, Eden, Aleana, Afreda, Theoline, Sarah, Elysianne, Meiza, Jovazta, Karadine, Iro, Nirmala, Nafara, Meira, Juroa, Lana and Sachubey.
May you're guys enjoy your special day to the fullest extent. May the dream that means most to you, start coming true this year. May this day be so happy that smile never fades away from your face. May you continue to improve as a person with each passing year. Let your all the dream to be on fire and light your birthday candles with that, I wish that life brings you a beautiful surprise on your b'day cake. ২୫
May you're guys enjoy your special day to the fullest extent. May the dream that means most to you, start coming true this year. May this day be so happy that smile never fades away from your face. May you continue to improve as a person with each passing year. Let your all the dream to be on fire and light your birthday candles with that, I wish that life brings you a beautiful surprise on your b'day cake. ২୫