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GYM XIV dan repost
"Do you have a tip? Im always looking for new investigations"

Yeah. Where is your X-Profile and is this still your number? Or should we call Mom or Dad and asking where you have gone?

Of course this is no threat or something like that. We are just reasearchers. Doing a new documentary. Everything is fine then?

XIV-Journalists 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost
Where did you go My Vingren? 😅

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Dutch Dissident dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
A message from the Erasmusbrug: WHITE LIVES MATTER

Please share

GYM XIV dan repost

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost
Many of you have probably read about this Swedish antifa journalist My Vingren in the matter of her new documentary called "Hacking Hate".
The Golden one and his wife were obviously target for her "research" and she tried to get hold of private pictures of their family and children.

Unfortunately there is more nationalists that have been exposing their familys to My in her quest for fame. Something she lost some years ago when the Big mac lovin Mathias Wåg took all credit and earn "Guldspaden" a price for investigating journalists. And My stood there alone.
Bitter. Without children. Ugly.

In Sweden we have called leftists hate against everything and everyone thinking outside their deadly communistic box "The good hate" since many years. Long time have the antifa and leftists been gatekeepers of the power structures of this modern society.

Anyhow. This tweet from -13 shows My's relation with her mother. They both hate so called Nazis and My is braging about her mother being involved in an violent syndicalistic organization.

Since My don't bother about others familys we thought that we would like to inform that WE are not interested in other peoples children. But far-left adult parents could be interesting. So our member Bengt took a look at a house. And cars.

Of course journalists should do their work without something bad happening. But harassment and the crap My Vingren and her associated do is something else. And when they involve our children. People tend to be upset.

Have a nice day My. You should maybe call home to Mom and Dad.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost

GYM XIV dan repost
Surf the Kali Yuga

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost
Surf the Kali Yuga

We have sometimes told you about something what we call "cracks in modernity". A phenomenon where a more true order or feelings breaks through the buzz of ordinary life.

Gentlemen. We live in the middle of a battle of values. We can see it everyday. The plague of wokeness seems to fade away is som areas, in others it has increased drastically. If Trump, Musk and all the other Betapolitical right has done something its this. They are players in this battle of values that have changed the frontlines. And right now we surf on a wave of energy. A wave of faustian spirit reclaiming it's rightful place in the heart and minds of our peoples. Whatever we thinks of certain political outcomes. It's obvious. The game has changed dramatically.

Thats why we need to make a distinction between "cracks in modernity" and what is new strategies from our enemies. Because this cultural shift in the white population has not going unnoticed from the eternal enemies. Values is weapons to use.

In Europe we can see how the homoglobo leftism has evolved from a "Hakuna Matata"-Left to realize that they need to throw of wokeness, analsex and uncontrolled immigration for appeal of the masses.
A big chunk of the left is still left in the old ideas of wokeness but some have seen whats need to be done.

And we as a movement. We need to see the difference between the "cracks in modernity" and opportunistic attempt from every player in this Battle of values that raging right now.

There is an old saying: Left and right is different sides of the same coin.

Musk or Soros. Africans or Indians. The tyranny of the Market or the Sovjet stateapparatus.

Surf the Kali Yuga Lads. But be careful. We want to use the waves. Not be consumed by them.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost
"However, the wind only changes the picture temporarily, the substrate remains the same and sooner or later the same picture surfaces once again."

- Jean Marie Le Pen 🌹

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost
What a scene!
New years resolutions in all it's glory but this was something else.

Filled with selfietaking 55+ women, 40+ guys that have received a Golds gym T-Shirt for christmas and much more.
On the bright side of this inferno i see a lot of young white males taking their first step to power and glory.

Everyone in here fear what i fear. Weakness. They want to fight it. A lot of them will loose this battle against themselves. But some of the young lads. There is fire. There is will. And this is their first step.

Guess fatshaming works like hell to get the herd to the gyms. Now it's time for us to recruiting.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Caledonia Club (CC) dan repost
"The Caledonia Club"
We are a Scottish group for Scottish people.
Fitness, honour and pride for our history and our land are key tenets of what we stand for.


GYM XIV dan repost
It's 2025!

Don't be a faggot. Go to the gym.
Form a tribe. Fight the good fight.
Start a family. Save our race.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost
Like sessions in the gym and with all forms of training we strive for progression. We want to overcome the difficulties of yesterday by sweating today so tomorrow can be different.

Same with the nationalistic scene. We need to look back. Analyze, criticize, adapt and improve. All the time. Same rule is applied here. We seek progression. And Lads, progression is being made.

2024 has been a grinding year. We have put in the hours. Lifted what was needed. We took the fights on so many levels it's even hard to grasp. The thing is certain. We affect thousand and thousands of whites all around the globe daily. ACs is forming around the globe at a pace faster than a Covid outbreak in China.

Setbacks is overwon. Riots is won. The Counterculture is steamrolling over the cult of weakness. Everyone of you should be proud, whoever or whatever you to for the struggle. As a collective, as a race we have taken leaps forward. Be proud of that.

2025 is coming. And so is the white revolution.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost
Don't think for a second that we don't see your lazy ass.

Don't be a faggot. Go to the gym!

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost
Now it's not the time to pray. It's time to fight!

Fight for Magdeburg, für Deutschland, for Europe!

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost
Don't be a faggot. Go to the gym.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost
"This is what we do as the Landsknechts of Europe, which is neither a movement nor an exclusive organization but one that is at the disposal of everyone's growth and will also grow with the contribution of new energy"

-Gabriele Adinolfi

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost
Bringer of light in a world of darkness.

Tradition is revolution.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

GYM XIV dan repost
This world is out of mind regarding audacity, craftsmanship and true artists/musicians are harder to find. Don't think that any of you Lads have missed all good takes, memes and art against the massproduced culture and lifestyles. Pictures of a wooden cottage in sunset lits a flame in every one of us. We long for peace and quiet from this... Some would say society. But this megahive of bugs. Consumers and producers.

Yeah, we long for the forest. Some of us for the adventures and wilderness. Others for the increase of quality in life that come with opting out from globohomo-world. Nothing strange with that.

We need to realize something here.
Should we dream of small houses in the woods or to dominate? Should we be in a movement that raises legions against our enemies. Enemies that whats our race destroyed, our children to be faggots and our culture to be molded in to something else.
Or should our broad movement seek the little freedom in the woods. In the suburbs?

The wild is were we should gain our peace, sure. But we can't get stuck out there. Only women have a need for total peace.

We. We are the fucking legion.
We have a need for a total war in our souls. We want to conquer, revolt and to be reborn as the better. We want forward and upwards to the stars.

Rule number one for every dissident out there should be this simple question: Do you belong to a tribe of a supportive base that wanna play farmers or do you belong to a tribe of warriors?

Gain strength from the wild. To be wild. As AC Dietsland does.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

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