Ghola, hfw pinned.

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Contact person : @HangyulTobot / @Taeyohng
Help fw : @HangyulTobot
Owner : @Taeyohng

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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𝓡iyckxy 𝓡eciden ☆☆ dan repost

@rapmonsterw :: 480k
@bambamk :: 385k

- take all dpt diskon

Galleria. dan repost
[Help fw, TIA! ♡]

@Uavng is looking for mutuals, kami menerima semua jenis gallery username asal dengan main acc yaa. Text @iSoheerBot and drop your @ . Kalau mau HFW juga bisa drop link nya ajaa. ★___★

ㅤ✯ ℘ιe 𝔅αbιe$ dan repost
[ To all my dear Mutuals, i'm asking for help to share this message to your Business Channel, Arigatou! ]


Paketan Nego tipis
@WgLLiam + @Bonmd : 25k
@Getosuguwru + @GetoaSuguru : 14k
@Miyachsinen + @Miyawhinen : 12k
@Kozuemkenma + @Kozumekenam : 11k

3k/@ Nett
@KogeyamaTobio @KageyamaWobio @WageyamaTobio @VageyamaTobio @HinagaShoyo

5k/@ Nett
@MegumiFuswhiguro @TojiFuswhiguro @nFreak @Fgreak @ Critminal

8k/@ Nett
@Tokbyo @vJunpei @Arimwa @Shinjbu

Free nyicil & booking untuk usn diatas 10k, ofc with TnC
Contact ; @MeguwmiRobot

Underworld. dan repost
[ Help forward. ]

@grimoiire is looking for new mutual, yang gak masalah sama channel baru dan main acc only yaaa^.^ prefer collect usn animanga tapi yang lain juga gak masalah :D. If you're interested kindly contact @LiebeTheBot for a feedback, thank you fellas!

alofa's galery ! dan repost
[ Help fw moots, thank youu ! ]

hii! @meenaklukkan is looking for new mutual(s). with main account only, kindly drop your @ to @MeenaklukkanBot if u interested. thank you! 💗

Arcoiris Gallery. dan repost
[ For all our BA mutuals, can you help us to spread this message to your channel? Much appreciated! ]

Wondrous time, fellow earthbound entities! We reached out to hail warmly all the kindnesses. @Arcoiiris is looking for new mutuals and all types of galleries are welcome but using the main account only! Kindly drop your channel id to @ArcoirissBot to get feedback. ❤️

Arcoiris Gallery. dan repost
⚠️ HELP FW ⚠️

Halo semua, maaf nih kita rewel banget tapi kita minta tolong bantuan fw nya, sekaligus kalau kalian misalnya ngeliat username @Leeminhyeok dijual, jangan dibeli yaa. Itu username temen aku, kita udah ngechat ke bot nya dan setelah proses nego yang panjang, dia akhirnya mau balikin usn nya tapi dia masih shock jadi harus tenangin diri dulu. Tapi ternyata, setelah 2 hari kita tungguin, dia malah post kalimat kalau dia cuma boong sebelumnya pas bilang mau balikin itu usn di ch-nya dan @nanajualusernamebot (ini usn bot dia kemarin). Ini kita juga ada bukti waktu dia bilang mau balikin dan sebagainya. Dia overwhelmed sampai minta kita nunggu dia tenangan dikit, tapi ternyata dia bohong dan sekarang dia ban kita dari channel itu. Waktu itu juga ada yang ngomporin dan jelek-jelekin aku sama temen-temen aku di bot dia gak tau siapa. Itu untungnya sudah ditakedown padahal itu gak bener sama sekali.

CP: @Arcoirissbot

GALERI USN —— UFS PINNED. dan repost

ㅤㅤㅤ⭒ @JeonJuntgkook 40k
ㅤㅤㅤ⭒ @ZungkookJeon 20k nett
ㅤㅤㅤ⭒ @JceonggukJeon 8k nett

tags : Jeon Jungkook, Jungkook Jeon & Jeongguk Jeon.
★. Selain yg tidak tertulis "nett", bisa nego tipis.
★. Payment via DANA, Qris
★. Contact @Minqok if you interested.

Hiveny’s Gallery ; ALL UFS dan repost
HALO HALO! semua username di @Scaraven UP FOR SELL kecuali yang ada tulisan “PU” dan “NFS”. if you’re interested to one of them, you can contact @KamorieBot. THANK YOU ٩( ᐛ )و ♡

@ tertuuju's property dan repost
[Help fw moots]

1. yang punya usn chifuyu, mikey, atau jjk yang lainnya tawarin dong pls pengen banget.
2. usn anak enhypen marga no marga tawarin dulu yaa, pref Jake Jungwon Ni-ki

• contact :: @HellioFuturebot

𝖼𝗋𝗒٪𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒 dan repost
[Help fw moots]

@Kitht is looking for new mutual, kindly chat @Tojisgfbot. Prefer collect animangas usernames, but idol username gallery is still acceptable. Main acc only yaa!

가르리 BETH ! dan repost

@vJisungPark 37k nett

• read the tnc first
• via Dana/Qris (+1k)
Contact @MMarkIee / @iEchansbot

ÆSPA Gallery ⋆ HFW PINNED dan repost
On the beautiful day when the music with Sour-filled music is playing a beautiful melody. Here we announce @heyeseung based on Heeseung Enhypen finally up for sale with the offer system.

@heyeseung @heyeseung
@heyeseung @heyeseung
@heyeseung @heyeseung

𑁍. Addition of letters Y
𑁍. Suitable for personal use or investment.
𑁍. Start offer 9 until 13 September. (19.00)
𑁍. Start offer from 15k, kb 2k. Free Jumpbid
𑁍. For serious buyer only
𑁍. Payment avail Dana and Qris.
𑁍. Offer at @heyeseung's comment section or ( ).
𑁍. Contact person @Lakura

가르리 BETH ! dan repost
[ Moots Let's Help FW ]

Hello ! @iDreamss is looking for a new mutuals, If your interested you may kindly contact @iEchansbot ! TIA

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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