Hedgewik Comics

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Three years ago, on May 5, 2019, I posted the first Hedgewik comic ever. Every year since then, on that day, I've remade that same first comic to benchmark how my comic-making has developed and kick off a new year of comics.

Attached are the 2019, 2020, 2021, and finally, the new 2022 version I've just finished.

I've a lot in store for the fourth year of Hedgewik comics, and I can't wait to get started. Thanks to everyone for sticking around.

@hedgewik | hedgewik.com

New comic.
@hedgewik | Hedgewik.com

New comic.
@hedgewik | Hedgewik.com

New comic. @hedgewik

New comic. @hedgewik

New comic. Full resolution version and more at Hedgewik.com, which I recently got back online!


New comic @hedgewik

New comic. @hedgewik

Political cartoon about a current event that reflects the author (me)'s opinion. You can tell it's correct because I drew the guy who disagrees with me making the Wrong Opinion.


New comic

Uhhh..BOOM!! I'm back! With a new comic featuring @ doctor_lev_goodman from Instagram! Enjoy!


Remake of one my old hits.


Let's take a break from afghanistan stuff for a moment to dunk on trannies.


hedgewik gatekeeper compromise parody comic.png
Full rez version of the comic, without gay telegram compressioon.

New comic

The debate between Charlie Kirk and Vaush (FGR/Fat Gay Retard who thinks CP should be legal) summarized.


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