Heritage Appalachia

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Preserving he past while we pave the way for the future.

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Going live for a pop up stream here in a few minutes, with some friends from the hollers! Stop in if ya fellers get a chance! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GQOOGbJdo4

Struggle and success.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
This is what they want to deprive you and your progeny of, Appalachian Man. The only question left is, you gonna let them?

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Allegedly, Eric Rudolph is rumored to have hidden for a little bit in this cave here in the Nantahala Gorge during his five years on the run. Remarkable to me that he was able to survive and evade this long while being under such heat from a nationwide manhunt. It is also safe to say he had some help from some of the locals in Macon and Cherokee Counties, NC. That is what I admire most about the Appalachian people, their disdain, disregard, and distrust of authority. It's in our blood fellers... it's on our blood!

Mingus Mill, in Swain County, NC. Recognize the ingenuity and the beauty of your ancestor's work in Appalachia to provide food for their live stock and families!!

Sons of Appalachia dan repost
Also had the opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the resting place of Horace Kephart, the man who cataloged so many of pur customs and culture in his excellent book 'Our Southern Highlanders', which brought Appalachia into the living rooms of thousand of Americans and shed light on a dark, mysterious, unknown and forgotten land. Mr Kephart was also instrumental in the creation of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, allowing our most rugged and wild spaces to be preserved for many generations to come.

Sons of Appalachia dan repost
Spent some time out in the Smokies today with some fine Sons and Daughters of Appalachia, learning about the struggles our ancestors had to go through when arriving upon this new continent and the innovations necessary to succeed here in Appalachia. Touching mill stones and hand-hewn timbers, you really get a profound sense of the industriousness of these hardy Folk, and I can't help but be amazed by them.
Our ancestors were incredible people, never let yourself be convinced otherwise. More pictures to follow

Know Your Enemy Post #1:
Esther Manheimer, current mayor of Asheville, NC (yes Asheville is a cesspool, but this shit will leak into the rural areas surrounding it, we already see it.) Interesting surname, I wonder if her parents were American expats living in Denmark, or (((American))) expats? Regardless, this is but one your many enemies, Appalachian Man.

Red Ice TV 🚫 [Censored] dan repost
Music genres come and go. Fashion come and go. Architecture come and go. Different trends have always come and gone. Traditions come and go. Nations come and go as the centuries come and go. Faiths and religions come and go and even empires – some that seem to last forever – come and go but the one thing that remains through all of this is us. Our people. It's the source from where all the ephemeral interpretations, ideas and expressions spring. It's the chain that reaches into the past and connects us with our future.

Our people is the anchor point. If we loose our people, everything else is lost. This is the one thing we can never give up on, the one thing we can never lose.

12 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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