Hitler Faith

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Esoteric Hitlerism and the Hitler Faith.

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“Adolf Hitler was an absolute genius. He was years ahead of all his followers. No one could come near him, or understand him.”

— Arno Breker, the great Hitlerist sculptor, to Miguel Serrano in 1984

(A passage from Manú: For The Man To Come by Miguel Serrano)

"One or the other [blood and Soil] can dry up, if one is more fertile than the other. They depend on leadership and following, because the energy between them alone can overcome the danger that the soil is not as fertile as the blood or that the blood does not remain pure, that it dries up and foreign blood becomes master over the soil. Proper leadership alone gives the river a firm river bed and hence the invincible strength to secure its living space, the strength which would otherwise with deadly certainty dwindle senselessly into a thousand tiny streams."
SS Leadership Guide
Chapter Two

"The nation is an unbroken column, which marches there and then crosses the bridge connecting past and future. Even if only those standing and walking on this bridge are visible, even if only they think, feel, endeavor and create, nonetheless the Germans of the present alone are not the nation. To it also belong those lost in the vast distance on the other side as well as those coming from the distance who will one day step upon the bridge of the present.
Course and strength of this river, of this marching column depend on two great factors: on blood and soil."
SS Leadership Guide
Chapter Two

"Germany is the sum of what was German and what will be German. We stand right in the middle of this. We only live our life when we feel reverence and thankfulness toward the people who went to their graves before us, and toward the works they left in our worthy hands, and if we are conscious of the high responsibility we bear toward coming German people and things.
Who among us would want to be cursed by our descendants?
Germany and the German nation are like a mighty storm that comes from the primeval past and continues into eternity."
SS Leadership Guide
Chapter 2

"The community does not pull him "down". It does not equalize him to the indifferent, the insignificant.
The more he is absorbed into the community, the more he fills it with his deed, the more he pulls it along with himself, forward and upward."
Kurt Eggers
SS Poet Warrior
The Kurt Eggers Collection
Book One
One's Own Life

"One's own life is not destroyed by the community. It is only released from its separation and integrated into the community.
The community does not smash one's own value, rather puts up the greatest value in their development. The greater the values are, the stronger will the community grow. ...
Whoever has grasped the meaning of the community and whoever stands within it, feels within himself the duty for perfection. He no longer covets for his own honour, rather sees in his deed the prerequisite for the life of those who will live and struggle after him. He will sow his deeds like a sewer seed. The consciousness of this responsibility will compel him to only sow valuable seeds on valuable soil. That is his honor.
He knows that he makes no 'sacrifice'. For each fruit is a natural result."
Kurt Eggers
The SS Poet Warrior
The Kurt Eggers Collection
Book One
One's Own Life

"The absurd notion that men of genius are born out of universal suffrage cannot be too strongly repudiated. In the first place, those times may be really called blessed when one genuine statesman appears among people. Such statesmen dont appear by the hundreds or more. Secondly, the broad masses instinctively display a definite antipathy towards every outstanding genius. There's a better chance of a camel passing through the eye of a needle than of a truly great man being 'discovered' through an election.
Throughout world history, exceptional events have mostly been due to the driving force of an individual personality."
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
Chapter Three
Section 3.13
Dalton Edition

"Objectively considered, there is no other principle that turns out to be quite so ill-conceived as parliamentarianism.
Here we may pass over the methods according to which the election of the representatives takes place, as well as the ways that bring them to office and bestow new titles on them. It is quite evident that public wishes are now satisfied only to a small degree, by the manner in which an election takes place. Everyone who properly estimates the political intelligence of the masses can easily see that it is insufficient to independently form a general political outlook, or to select the men who might be competent to carry out their ideas.
Whatever definition we may give of the term 'public opinion' only a very small part of it originates from personal experience or individual insight. The greater part portion results from the manner in which public matters have been presented to the people, through an overwhelmingly impressive and persistent system of 'information.'"
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf

"Just this thought, love of homeland, already shows the right perspective. The German soldier does not only learn from books. He sees with his own eyes the monuments to the rise and fall of entire nations. He gets to know the proud, spotlessly clean people of the north and he sees in other lands that great nations have neither the strength nor the will to climb out of their poverty.
The living racial, cultural and social history constantly surrounds the warrior in foreign countries. He knows that he has a role in a huge transformation, unprecedented in world history. But his thoughts always return to Germany, of which he is rightly proud in comparison. Now it is easy for him to embrace the noble and clean. And he knows that the valuable must not only be preserved, but that the deeper meaning of life lies on the endless struggle for the better, the search for the most beautiful, the fulfillment of the more noble."
SS Leadership Guide
Chapter One

"The positive results cannot yet be measured from the fact that now Germans are shown Germany, that German workers whose wages never before enabled travel can now see how Germans lived in other provinces. It is not just the strength through joy, rather also their strength through knowledge that our village, our city alone is not Germany, that we have a fatherland, big and magnificently beautiful, and that we are sons and daughters of a single, robust, industrious and ambitious folk.
The great events of the present have fully shown the German men, who stand as soldiers on the crossroads of historical transformation, the essence and nature of the homeland. Even in the distance they can make countless comparisons. They will find that this country is beautiful. Or that nature blessed one region even more, because there are two harvests each year, and they will see that each person loves his homeland and considers it beautiful, even if it is ever so barren."
SS Leadership Guide
Chapter One

"In doing so, it contradicts the aristocratic principle, which is a fundamental law of nature- though it must be admitted that this principle is not reflected in the decadence of our upper 10,000 [the top 1 percent].
The devastating influence of this parliamentary institution might not be easily recognized by those who read the Jewish press, unless the reader has learned how to think independently and examine facts for himself. This institution is primarily responsible for the crowded inrush of mediocre people into the field of politics. Confronted with such a phenomenon, a man who is endowed with real qualities of leadership will be tempted to refrain from taking part in politics; under these circumstances, the situation doesn't call for a man who has a capacity for constructive statesmanship but rather a man who is capable of bargaining for the favor of the majority. The situation appeals to small minds, and it attracts them accordingly."
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
Chapter 3
Section 3.10
Dalton Ed

"Where can we draw the line between public duty and personal honor? Shouldn't every genuine leader renounce the idea of degrading himself to the level of a political gangster?
And on the other hand, doesnt every gangster feel the itch to 'play politics' seeing that the final responsibility will never rest with him personally but rather with an anonymous, unaccountable mob?
Doesn't our parliamentary principle of majority rule necessarily lead to the destruction of the idea of leadership?
Does anyone honestly believe that human progress originates in the brain of the majority, and not in the brain of the individual personality? Or may it be presumed that future human civilization can dispense with this as a condition of its existence?
Or rather, doesn't this seem to be today to me more indispensable than ever? The parliamentary principle of majority rule rejects the authority of the individual and puts a numerical quota of anonymous heads in its place."
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
Chapter 3
Dalton Edition

"Hence it is of decisive importance, who teaches and leads the youth. Only the best, strongest and cleverest of the nation should be called to this office. It is in part up to them whether the young people, through the fulfillment of their causality, are led into the greater order or whether they, embittered and disappointed, perish inwardly and outwardly into the camp of nihilism.
Whoever is born and led into the greater order, requires no rebirth that releases him from that natural bond. He will instead recognize the place of his working and endeavor to dutifully fulfill its law. Only people who failed in their original life require this "salvation". Hence it comes about that the young person is not to be found in the circles of those requiring salvation, and instead seeks the community of the strong and unbending life himself."
Kurt Eggers
SS Warrior-Poet
The Kurt Eggers Collection
Book One
The Awakening of the Life Will

"Many have over the course of the ages allowed themselves to be misled to renunciation and supported the world of the no. They died as traitors to their law, as refugees from life.
But those whose heart closed to the alien, who in defiance of every threat affirmed the world of yes, became lonely in the world, lonely in their folk. Their life became protest, their deed resistance and rebellion. They died their death in battle, on the funeral pile, in prison or in banishment.
They avoided the world of the weak, the world of comforting, and had the courage to boost their painful solitude.
But Germany, the Reich, was with these few, was with their life and almost even more so at their death."
Kurt Eggers
SS-Warrior Poet
The Kurt Eggers Collection
Book One
The German

"We are concerned with Germany, always with Germany. That must be anchored and said again and again. Otherwise we run the risk-under the pressure of personal concerns- of paying less attention to the great idea or even of forgetting that the individual is part of the whole, that his life only becomes a life when it becomes part of the higher entirety of kind and language, of feeling and thought, of past, present and future of the folk."
SS Leadership Guide
Chapter One

"Along the way many things were hard and unspeakably difficult for us, but whatever was difficult for us always becomes easier when we looked at the Fuhrer. He was and remained, always and everywhere, an unparalleled example for us. What we endured was nothing in comparison to the burden that this man mastered. Whoever stood for him, whoever shared sacrifice and danger with us, was a comrade for life and in death: he was a Hitler soldier.
The Fuhrer's new strength again and again won over new followers- from the enemy or from those who hadn't cared. The number of Hitler soldiers grew and grew until the sun finally dawned on the day when not just our small band of Germans were Hitler soldiers, but the entire German Folk."
SS Leadership Guide
Preface to 14th Edition

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