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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Привет всем напишите синонимы на слово beautiful

Hello everyone 🌚 write down on a comment synonyms of the word beautiful🌸

Cambridge IELTS test 2

Treasury of English dan repost
song: The Strumbellas - Spirits 🐝

Hot English🔥 dan repost
✅Speaking time

IELTS Speaking Tip 🔥

To get maximum benefit all the practice should be done without preparing your answers. You will not know exactly what the examiner is going to ask or exactly how he or she will ask it. You need to be spontaneous, to speak as naturally and fluently as possible. The aim of this practice section is to help you to prepare for the type of questions you will get and to practise dealing with them without preparing specific answers. It is important to keep to this for two reasons. First, the examiner will notice if you are repeating something you have learned and will stop you. Second, though it may seem difficult at first, it will actually make the test easier for you if you relax and talk naturally rather than trying to remember a ready-made answer. So the first and most important skill is talking fluently.🤓

The only way to improve your fluency is by getting a lot of practice in speaking. Be confident. Think about what you want to say. Of course you should try to get your English right, but do not worry too much about getting everything absolutely correct. The important thing is that you should speak and listen, that you should engage in an extended interview with the examiner and that you should enjoy using your English to communicate with an English speaker. Most of the exercises in this section are designed to increase your fluency.


❤️ @IELTSjournals

🦠COVID-19 Vocabulary

🦠Virus (very small living thing causing infection, which reproduces only within the cells of living hosts, mainly bacteria, plants, and animals)

⛔️Lockdown (a state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure)

🧫Infection (a disease that tends to spread quickly)

🏩Makeshift hospital (a hospital that is quickly built to be used temporarily because nothing better is available)

💉To spread (to strech out, occupying more and more territory)

💊ICU (Intensive Care Unit -in a hospital)

🧪Pandemic (of a disease: having spread among humans throughout the whole world)

😷To cough (to expel air from the lungs suddenly with a harsh noise)

🆘Emergency (a sudden, urgent, usually unexpected event or happening requiring immediate action)

🩸Exposure (the act of being exposed or open to the infection)

🧬Zoonosis (any disease of animals communicable to humans)

🌡Asymptomatic (showing no evidence of disease-even if one is infected)




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. (_ _) * Jumah ★
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💜💙May Allah be with you

Go to our chat group! For discussing interesting topics on a daily basis!!!

​​Мартинес looks на тонкие стебельки of grass. Дзи-и-нь, дзии-нь - one за другой fly над головой bullets. Их whistle пропадает somewhere густых shrubbery. Зажатая в руке grenade кажется cold и heavy. Джулио throws гранату forward, быстро прячет his head и covers ее with his hands. Ба-а-бах!
- Did you hit этого ублюдка?
- Where is he, черт его возьми?
Мартинес медленно crawls вперед. Японец lies на back с задранным вверх chin и разорванным stomach.
- I попал в него.
- Good job, Мартинес, ты хороший soldier.
Мартинес became a сержантом.

👋 see text полностью на russian

Here we go😁

​surf mesa - ​ily

I love you, baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you, baby
To warm these lonely nights
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
I love you, baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you, baby
To warm these lonely nights
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
I love you

I love you, baby

I love you, baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you, baby
To warm these lonely nights
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
I love you, baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you, baby
To warm these lonely nights
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
I love you


I love you, baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you, baby
To warm these lonely nights
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
I love you

I love you, baby

I love you, baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you, baby
To warm these lonely nights
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
I love you, baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you, baby
To warm these lonely nights
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say

🔍 Найти любимую песню!
Instead of panicking enjoy the music bcuz it is #musictime 🥰

4.1. Постановление Министерства образования о продлении карантина в вузах до 1 мая.
Ministry of education said that the days of quarantine continue till 1may
U can see there☝️

Hot Idioms dan repost
Be at someone’s beck and call – «быть у кого-то на побегушках» или «быть всецело в чьём-либо распоряжении». То есть человек всегда готов послужить кому-то или сделать что-либо для кого-то по малейшему знаку. Это может быть очень отзывчивый друг, на которого можно положиться, или, например, секретарь, которому начальник поручает слишком много задач, порой совершенно отдаленных от его обязанностей, ну или услужливый официант, надеющийся на хорошие чаевые. Иногда в Америке так называют людей, которые явно подлизываются, выполняя поручения, для получения какой-то личной выгоды.

- She has him at her beck and call.
- Она вертит своим мужем как хочет.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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