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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Here's another. Somehow even worse.

Chinese technocrats must be shaking their heads in disbelief. It's like a Mad TV skit.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
When we look back on this era, people are going to ask how on earth we were ever ruled by emotionally incontinent children who could not get through a simple speech without crying.

Videos like this will truly be one of the more bizarre artifacts of our time. Embarrassing.

To majesty or sovereignty belongeth an absolute power not subject to any law.

Robert Filmer

Just the US President Cromwell-posting

That mixture of refined Roman law with primitive barbaric usage, which is known to us by the deceptive name of feudalism, was to revive many features of archaic jurisprudence which had died out of the Roman world.

Henry James Sumner Maine

Hearthfire Radio dan repost
Big feature request now ROLLED OUT — you can now "preview" Hearthfire episodes!

One of the big problems for growing Hearthfire initially was that most of our content is behind the paywall, so this makes it hard for people just discovering us to find out what we're about.

Now you can watch the first half of any exclusive episode on Hearthfire, even if you're not subscribed.

So if you love Hearthfire Radio, please share with your friends because now they can experience what you've been telling them about. And if you're new to us, it's never been easier to binge our content.

We are immensely proud of what we've done so far, and we have a lot more in store, including an even bigger announcement later this month.


Three Reasons Deradicalization is a Non-Issue

Read the Full Article

Also, no coincidence but now is a good time to point out that we sell a book designed to introduce complete normies to radical right-wing concepts. Just sayin:

This thread is getting absolutely ratioed right now.

The time when "umm wow just like wow" would cut it as an argument against radical right-wing views is coming to an end. These creatures are going to have to engage with illiberal ideas which forces them to see that they have no foundation to their worldview, and this terrifies them perhaps more than the actual ideas.

NEW BOOK — Rameses the Great (Great Men Series)

Rameses the Great was a warrior-king whose rule marked a golden age of stability, prosperity, and cultural flourishing for Egypt. He shaped the destiny of his civilization through military conquest, monumental architecture, and a legacy of divine kingship that endured for millennia.

Few figures in history have left such an indelible mark. Rameses was not merely a ruler—he was a force of history, embodying the classical ideals of leadership: charisma, military genius, and grand statecraft. Even in death, his colossal statues and inscriptions proclaim his divine status.

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Kulture Dads dan repost
NEW Kulture Dads — Double Album Review: The Tea Party and Skeletonwitch

👉 Get it HERE

Mike and Dave delve deep into their record collection and pull out two gems you probably never heard. These albums were absolutely formative of not only our musical tastes but even our worldview. In this episode we introduce each other (and you) to some of our favourite records.

This is a sobering article and it echoes much of what we have said in the Substack over the years. The time of nationalism is over, and the time of tribalism is coming. Those who rely upon solidarity with millions of other people, will not survive in the new ecology:

The peculiarity of contemporary Western multiculturalism, relative to examples of other heterogenous societies, is threefold. Firstly, it is in the ‘sweet spot’ with respect to theories of civil war causation, specifically the supposed problem of coordination costs is diminished in a situation where White majorities (trending rapidly toward large minority status in some cases) live alongside multiple smaller minorities.

Secondly, thus far what has been practiced is a sort of ‘asymmetric multiculturalism’ in which in-group preference, ethnic pride, and group solidarity—notably in voting—are acceptable for all groups except Whites for whom such things are considered to represent supremacist attitudes that are anathematic to social order.

Thirdly, because of the above what has emerged is a perception that the status quo is invidiously unbalanced, which provides an argument for revolt on the part of the White majority (or large minority) that is rooted in stirring language of justice. From a strategic communications perspective, a morally inflected narrative which has a clearly articulated grievance, a plausible and urgent remedy, and a receptive conscience community is powerful.

They are rulers, so we must submit. How else? Dread things and things most potent bow to office; thus it is that snow-strewn winter gives place to fruitful summer; and thus night’s weary round makes room for day with her white steeds to kindle light.


Three Reasons Deradicalization is a Non-Issue

Read the Full Article

America can put the radical left away but it can’t put away the radical right, because unlike the radical left, the regime does not fund, train, promote, and shape the radical right. What is driving the rise of the radical right is not patronage, but social issues that liberalism itself has wrought.

Three Reasons Deradicalization is a Non-Issue
Listen to the podcast here

Egypt stans rejoice! Tomorrow is your day.

He is the son of the Sun, the Lord of diadems, the favorite of Phtah, the good Deity, sovereign of two worlds and eternal as the Sun itself!

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