ㅤ Silentness almost mastered him, lonely eyes signified a yearning that had never been treated. Supported by a moist camera magnifies a part of his locality such a deserted and chalkly. The intensity of brightness never succeeds in diverting its lonesome sojourns, his instinct naturally give an instructions to signaling the sovereign, but a dirty environment demands that the master gives his psyche to our macrocosm. Bigheartedly he decided to not live within existence that a series of himself actualized into an eccentric story. His icy-heart was made the main character balance in the Loneliest Man's story accompanied by a light burlesque.
Darkness struck the wind and passed through his still lingering psyche, interpreting every ugliness thing here. A dangerous atmosphere in trying to attack its sovereignty, his most guarded aspect threatened to disappear. Much of the horizon conveyed their compassion through fantasy illustrations, implied their wishful thinking to help the guy out of the darkest shadow of his life. The long-standing memories contained in each stanze records of himself it's like wielding a sword itself for the heart, he misses his old-figure.
The essence in his life is too few until motivation disappeared from his sight. Too much correlation with solitude when circumstances are completely immersed in misery. His misty-eyed like the wind's sleeping with a handful of box things in his hand, there is no more beautiful memory than seeing the meridiem ante meet the sunset when drowning the subconscious.
Darkness struck the wind and passed through his still lingering psyche, interpreting every ugliness thing here. A dangerous atmosphere in trying to attack its sovereignty, his most guarded aspect threatened to disappear. Much of the horizon conveyed their compassion through fantasy illustrations, implied their wishful thinking to help the guy out of the darkest shadow of his life. The long-standing memories contained in each stanze records of himself it's like wielding a sword itself for the heart, he misses his old-figure.
The essence in his life is too few until motivation disappeared from his sight. Too much correlation with solitude when circumstances are completely immersed in misery. His misty-eyed like the wind's sleeping with a handful of box things in his hand, there is no more beautiful memory than seeing the meridiem ante meet the sunset when drowning the subconscious.