Jesus warned us about (((them)))

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Television, Advertising and Distraction in the Western world

Hi 👋🏻 everyone , I didn’t know anyone was here 😂. Thank u for subbing !! I’ve been uploading videos to this channel feel free to share and download!

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Ex-KGB Agent Exposes "Planned Destruction of America" by Socialist/Communist/Zionist

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Evil Zionist plan to openly rule the world after instigating WW3

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Richard Nixon and Billy Graham tell each other that it's the Jews destroying America, no one else

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Reaction to rabbi diblasio “we want noahide laws”

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Here is the Article Page which includes the picture of the Flyer Made about the Jews attack on White Gentiles here in Philadelphia in 1939 when White Kids were walking home and some went to see the Jews Committee for Racial & Religious Tolerance which of course was there Jewish Bolshevik Front Group to foment Racial Hatred and Incitement against the Whites by the Negro population in Philadelphia. These White Kids in Philadelphia were just respectful young men who were going about there business and making no disturbance the Jews maliciously attacked these White Kids and had there own Kinsmen who were Police Detectives arrest them and the Paddy Police Officer can't do shit when there Masters go and attack the Goyim at will because in Philadelphia the (((((Chosen Yids))))) took over our White American City and turned it into a Jewish Bolshevik Coloured Hellhole.

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The European Lion

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Unification Under National Socialism

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Jews in America vs. Jews in Israel

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The Plans of Jewry. Too get rid of all cultures and religions, save theirs, enslave all goyim

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The Jewish Mafia

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"israeli" Arnon Milchon Spies/Steals from the US, And Nobody Cares-Except REAL Patriots!

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Jewopoly - Jews, Drugs, Monopoly & The Bible

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Weimar Republic - The Jewish Babylon

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How Globalists/Elite/Illuminati/Vatican/1 percent/Banksters/Freemasons/Commies=Jewry started WWII

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