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Jenny Moderator ENG dan repost
For all of you, have you heard the news of Rosé BlackPink's solo debut a few days ago? And finally! The solo single album has been released, under title On The Ground.

Congratulations to 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞́𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 and all roleplayers who use 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞́𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 as face claim especially for Me, Theodora, Naviera, Equestria, Jareesha, Hanari, Cassidy, Laditha, Jeruvvy, Tabitha, Velaycia, Pascaline, Roxtarla, Chandeline, Deanna, Roséanne, Ceisya, Nicole, Askeylla, Jeanna, Ilona, Nabelata, Alara, Jemima, Grizella, Eliysheba, Jenala, Lorraine, Chaadin, Helena, Veylax, Bilove, Jeaner, Halynka, Blanne, Jelavie, Arumi, Calista, Rebechiya, Jeaner, Nifica, Calista Javenra, Alura, Louisha, Mouveyra, Anneloura, Ruisha and Claudivay.

Anyways, since it’s an extremely amazing Music Video, don't forget to streaming and spread a lot of love! ♡

Rural Happines. dan repost
Today, Rosé solo debut 'On The Ground' Music Video is out. I've been waiting for years and finally release this year. Happy soloist debut to Rosé real life and all Rosé rp-ers especially ; Me, Mirabelle, Arabella, Lazathea, Rosenda, Luna, Asteria, Alyra, Dejura, Valeyca, Hearine, Ociana, Claire, Pascaline, Naviera, Calista, Theodora, Thavyla, Alara, Seaskara, Askeylla, Amorette, Nifica, Arunika, Finsley, Sechamione, Maira, Darlene, Rahelsha, Hilaire, Gheslaine, Cheyssie, Cishefay, Javenra, Chebiyya, Chloryne, Lawrence, Raseanne, Louisha, Fasha, Roxtarla, Nilouren, Velaron, Eliysheba.

Oh, yeah! I am very happy because the MV is released now. Don't forget to watch the Music Video. Once again Happy soloist debut pretty! ♡♡♡.

With Love,
Velaycia D. Ophelia

ㅤㅤℭ𝔬𝔫𝔏𝔲𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔬𝔰𝔦𝔱à dan repost
FINALLY 'On The Ground' M/V OUT NOW!!

Happy Debut Solo for Roseanne Park and all Roseanne Park rp-ers, continued success for you, Especially for :

Jeaner, Earlyza, Nifica, Fawnia, Askeylla, Ociana, Ceisya, Dejura


MV solo Rosé “On The Ground” already released, you guys have to see it

Happy solo debut for Rosé and all Rosé rp-ers,
esp : Dejura, Ceisya, Ráina, Hearine, Velaycia, Redup, Maddie, Cia, Fashà, Gadis, Asha, and Lelex.

Don't forget to stream the MV!!👏👏

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Roséanne Park


— 11 Feb 1997, Auckland, New Zealand.

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