Due to @telegram's privacy policy, i declared that i'm not the real Masumi Sera from Detective Conan. This channel is for roleplayer purpose only and this channel has nothing to do with Gosho Aoyama and animation studios.
I. Mostly use Bahasa, English for daily language. If you find me make a mistake please correct me via bot or private chat and tell me where is my mistake, thank you.
II. All media uploaded here are not always their own but obtained from twitter, pinterest, tumblr and others.
If you are a homophobic, #RPRLAREA, non chara, racist. please do not interact and don't subscribe my channel if you are part of that.
CW // HARSHWORDS, LGBT, SPOILER, ANNOYING SPAM, OOC. I will use bracket "[MS]." For OOC content, Mun!talk, information, and real life thingy etc. Fell free to unsubs if you feel uncomfortable with this channel. Don't forget to remove me, [ @Maesumi ] from your channel.
Robot : @Kolunialbot.
Due to @telegram's privacy policy, i declared that i'm not the real Masumi Sera from Detective Conan. This channel is for roleplayer purpose only and this channel has nothing to do with Gosho Aoyama and animation studios.
I. Mostly use Bahasa, English for daily language. If you find me make a mistake please correct me via bot or private chat and tell me where is my mistake, thank you.
II. All media uploaded here are not always their own but obtained from twitter, pinterest, tumblr and others.
If you are a homophobic, #RPRLAREA, non chara, racist. please do not interact and don't subscribe my channel if you are part of that.
CW // HARSHWORDS, LGBT, SPOILER, ANNOYING SPAM, OOC. I will use bracket "[MS]." For OOC content, Mun!talk, information, and real life thingy etc. Fell free to unsubs if you feel uncomfortable with this channel. Don't forget to remove me, [ @Maesumi ] from your channel.
Robot : @Kolunialbot.