𝐌iraculous 𝐖orld.

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—🕊️ We’re all used to fly across the sky before someone breaks our wings.
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I can’t stop screaming, help. 😃

Masih nggak percaya EXO comeback sebetulnya...

After a quite long time, SM Entertainment finally released EXO’s new music video, “Don’t Fight The Feeling”! It’s so refreshing to hear EXO back in the music scene with their new masterpiece. Let’s stream it legally on YouTube to appreciate their hard work and give so much love on their comeback! If you haven’t watch it yet, I’ve already included the link here, so you only need to tap it and bless your eyes, ears and soul with their amazing performance. Trust me, this MV is totally worth to watch!

And, yap! Here I am, want to congratulate EXO and their rp-ers for a such amazing comeback. Especially my boyfriend, Juandra, and other EXO rp-ers: Handrika, Kenneth, Cakra, Dante, Ghafran, Driegha, Draken, Rekav, Braga, Hager, Ace, Vincent, Pacey, Dion.

Congratulations to EXO for their comeback and for their roleplayers, of course. Hopefully you’ll portray your muse better than before, and I hope this comeback will breathe new life for your roleplaying life.

When your mood went from 100 to 0 real quick because of some bad things and someone makes it worse, just sleep. Escape from reality for a while then go f--- yourself again when you wake up.

Rp EXO absen dulu, yuk?

“Faced with real-world opportunities and challenges, a couple endures the highs and lows of trying to make a long-distance relationship survive.”

Finally, ‘Sweet & Sour’ is out now! You can watch it on Netflix and please stream it legally to appreciate the actors and staff who have worked hard to create this masterpiece. You can immediately go to Netflix and type ‘Sweet & Sour’ on the search bar, or click the link that I have included here. Happy watching!

Sweet & Sour | Netflix Official Site
Faced with real-world opportunities and challenges, a couple endures the highs and lows of trying to make a long-distance relationship survive.

“You got me feeling like a psycho, psycho.”

A simple plot dedicated to the most special person. My beloved boyfriend, Juandra Argasabda. ♡

Langit malam yang cerah tanpa terhalang awan, membuat siapapun mungkin ingin menikmati keindahannya barang sejenak. Bagaimana tidak? Bintang bertaburan menghiasi angkasa, tak terlupa bulan purnama yang bersinar terang dengan indahnya, menerangi kegelapan malam. Di malam itu pula, terdapat sepasang insan Tuhan yang tengah menikmati ciptaan-Nya sambil melakukan sedikit perjalanan malam.

“Alit, semisalkan kita diibaratkan sebagai objek astronomi, menurutmu perumpamaan apa yang paling cocok?” tanya pria itu, pria yang selalu memanggil wanitanya dengan sebutan ‘Alit’.

Sejenak aku terdiam, berpikir sebentar dan kemudian menemukan jawabannya. “Mungkin bulan dan matahari? Saya bulannya, lalu kamu sebagai matahari.” Kuperhatikan wajahnya yang tampan itu, perlahan memudarkan senyuman tipisnya dan menunjukkan ekspresi bingung, seakan bertanya-tanya.

“Ada apa dengan matahari dan bulan? Kenapa kamu memilih kedua objek tersebut?” Benar, kan? Dia memang bingung rupanya. Wajahnya yang menunjukkan raut kebingungan itu, entah kenapa terlihat menggemaskan.

“Begini,” ucapku sebelum melanjutkan kalimatku. Menghela nafas sejenak dan kemudian berkata, “Kamu tahu? Bulan nggak bisa bersinar tanpa adanya matahari. Begitu pula dengan saya. Saya nggak bisa bersinar kalau kamu tak ada di sekitar saya. Saya butuh kamu, Agas, untuk menerangi segala hal yang ada pada saya.”

Setelah menyelesaikan penjelasanku, sepasang tangan tiba-tiba mengangkat tubuhku. Secara spontan aku mengalungkan lengan di lehernya agar tak terjatuh. “Saya sayang kamu, Juandra Argasabda. More than you think I am, more than anything else,” ujarku sambil menatap pria besar yang tengah menggendongku, kemudian berusaha untuk meraih pipinya dan memberikan sebuah kecupan hangat.

I have no words to describe how much I love you, Thalia. I love you, a lot more than I show,” balasnya sambil menempelkan hidungnya ke hidungku. Kemudian ia menurunkanku, menggenggam erat jemari kekasihnya dan kembali melanjutkan perjalanan ke rumah.
Lagi-lagi, langit malam menjadi saksi dari cinta sebuah pasangan yang sedang dimabuk asmara.

ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤA night stroll with Agas.


I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true. Shakespeare said, “Journeys end in lovers’ meeting.” Oh, what an extraordinary thought! Personally I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, but I’m more than willing to believe Shakespeare had. I suppose I think about love more than anyone ever should. I’m constantly amazed by it’s sheer power to alter and define our lives. It was Shakespeare who also said, “Love is blind.” Now that is something I know to be true. For some, quite inexplicably, love fades. For others, love is simply lost. But then of course, love can also be found, even if just for the night.

And then there is another kind of love, the cruelest kind. The one that almost kills its victims. It's called ‘Unrequited Love’. Of that, I am an expert. Most love stories about people who fall in love with each other. But what about the rest of us? What about our stories, those of us who fall in love alone? We are the victims of the one-sided affairs. We are the cursed of the loved ones; we are the ‘unloved’ ones. The walking wounded. The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking spot. Yes, you are looking at one such individual.

Iris Simpkins, The Holiday

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