تذكَّر دائمًا بأن تكون فخورًا بنفسك، رغم الصِعاب والتحديات والطريق الوِعر والأشخاص الذين لم يقدرو رُوحك لازلت انت بالمُقدمة بأفكارك ومبادئك وإنجازاتك، لاتنسى شُعور الفَخر بالأشياء الصَغيرة والكبيرة التي تخطيتها ونجحت بأن تصِل إليها💙.
Always remember to be proud of yourself, despite the difficulties and challenges, the bumpy road and people who do not appreciate your soul. You are still in the forefront with your ideas, principles and accomplishments, do not forget the feeling of pride in the small and large things that you overcome and succeeded to reach them💙.
_ @LO313VE
Always remember to be proud of yourself, despite the difficulties and challenges, the bumpy road and people who do not appreciate your soul. You are still in the forefront with your ideas, principles and accomplishments, do not forget the feeling of pride in the small and large things that you overcome and succeeded to reach them💙.
_ @LO313VE