اتمنى ان تجد شخصًا لا يجعلك تتسائل عن قيمة نفسك، ان تجد شخصًا يركضٌ وراء سعادتك وكأنها شيءٌ يخصهُ، اتمنى ان تجد شخصًا يدعمك بكل شيء انت مهتم به، اتمنى ان تجد شخصًا تستطيع أن تضحك معهُ و تجلسُ معهُ في صمت وتتشاركه أعمق أسرارك دون قلق، اتمنى أن تجد شخصًا يكون حبيبك، شريكك، و صديقًا لك. اتمنى ان تجد شخصًا يعاملك بمساواه و يتعلم و يكبر و هو بجانبك. اتمنى ان تجد شخصًا يُقدر كل تفاصيلك الصغيره التي تجعلك الشخص الذي انت عليه حاليا. اتمنى ان تجد شخصًا يحترم قلبك، عائلتك وقيمك. اتمنى ان تجد شخصًا بِفكرك انكَ تستحق ان تاخذ كل الحب الذي تُعطيه. 💙
I hope you find someone who never makes you question your own self-worth. I hope you find someone who chases your happiness as much as their own. I hope you find someone who supports you in the things you are passionate about. I hope you find someone who you can laugh with and sit in silence with and share your deepest secrets with. I hope you find someone who is your lover, your partner and your friend. I hope you find someone who treats you as their equal, who learns and grows with you and beside you. I hope you find someone who appreciates all the tiny details that make up who you are. I hope you find someone who respects your heart, your family and your values. I hope you find someone who reminds you that you deserve the love you give.
I hope you find someone who never makes you question your own self-worth. I hope you find someone who chases your happiness as much as their own. I hope you find someone who supports you in the things you are passionate about. I hope you find someone who you can laugh with and sit in silence with and share your deepest secrets with. I hope you find someone who is your lover, your partner and your friend. I hope you find someone who treats you as their equal, who learns and grows with you and beside you. I hope you find someone who appreciates all the tiny details that make up who you are. I hope you find someone who respects your heart, your family and your values. I hope you find someone who reminds you that you deserve the love you give.