Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
We ask our governments, that they are open to talk about tabu human rights too, implementing better laws against such inhumanity!
It's time that our governments see different types of suicide, like different type of homicides, rapers, etc and don't put all people in the same 🗑!
We ask that criminals get sentenced properly, without "soft or no sentences" because they have an high position or similar or because someone did suicide after rape ... NO PERSONAL OPINIONS / INTERESTS DURING A SENTENCE! Such things should happen with facts and brain
Related to terrorist doing suicide
which is NOT ok at all!
In summary:
- better laws for people thinking to do suicide, no matter the age
- criminals NEED to be sentenced!
- if death sentence is implemented, this should not be a vip ticket to suicide! because
a) we still need to consider innocent people, so enough time should be allowed
b) they need to get jailed for different years, "since suicide is a easy way to say goodbye"
- it's time to remove no sense death sentences
It's time to change laws, not just related to suicide or death sentences!
It's time that our governments see different types of suicide, like different type of homicides, rapers, etc and don't put all people in the same 🗑!
We ask that criminals get sentenced properly, without "soft or no sentences" because they have an high position or similar or because someone did suicide after rape ... NO PERSONAL OPINIONS / INTERESTS DURING A SENTENCE! Such things should happen with facts and brain
Related to terrorist doing suicide
which is NOT ok at all!
In summary:
- better laws for people thinking to do suicide, no matter the age
- criminals NEED to be sentenced!
- if death sentence is implemented, this should not be a vip ticket to suicide! because
a) we still need to consider innocent people, so enough time should be allowed
b) they need to get jailed for different years, "since suicide is a easy way to say goodbye"
- it's time to remove no sense death sentences
It's time to change laws, not just related to suicide or death sentences!