❀.. gryfied꧇ open

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

contact order: t.me/oorderbot
mutual purpose: t.me/mutuaIbot
much love, t.me/siyeon 𐇴 t.me/oorders

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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slowresp karena wifi di rumah aku lagi bermasalah yayayahuhuhu u__u

Urban–Classically. dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
 ‎    ‎      ‎    
{heaps of auspicious particle in the heart of sincerity every conscience, given the liberation amnesty to choose the greatest—and for the most cherished comrades, help us spread this significant envelope to your business channel, gracias!}

since the first instinct says that we longing heaps of partners by implying a substantial mutualism, thus, @SLUUFOOT is searching for ’em to invite them to have a symbiosis of mutualism with us, surely we accept each and every one—but with the applied qualification: your channel is an Proofneeds and Writing type of business, using Main Account to join our business. furthermore, we have a selective side for our convenience in the future. otherwise, definitely we’ll codifying out the accounts and businesses to be our subsequent time mutuals! If you are fascinated, do drop a little sentences to @heavenllestbot and we’ll be happy to response you kindly!
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Noxy Plush! dan repost
[ for all / mutual who see this message we ask for your help to share this message on your channel ]

😨 HAH 😱! ADA STORE YANG NYEDIAIN APP PREM WORDING SEKALIGUS JASTIP, MANA JASTIP NYA MURAH" LAGI. hy tmn tmn kenalin nih!!! store mana tuh yang open batch buat jastip untuk pertama kali nya!! wording nya woi!! ckp skLL 🤯!!. jangan dilewatkan yh teman teman semua daripada harus nunggu di batch selanjutnya cih! kelamaan!!!! JENG JENG JENGG @noxyplush @noxyplush @noxyplush 💥

tnc & pricelist

p jangan lupa juga yh! hari minggu - sore bakal ada free jastip hanya untuk beberapa slot yuu tungguin XD.

selamat 300jeti subrekers cayangkuu @reeminisce 💐

congratulations on your debut bestie baru gryfied @zricto! sukses selalu 🎂

Proposaal, Open. dan repost
the p'rtraits of ball'rinas neatly did display in the aisles of the stage becameth the cent'r of attention. the people who is't did attend w're amaz'd all the way to the main stage. the art of the carv'r madeth anyone who is't did see hath seemed to beest did sweep hence with the figure, phantasmagoria, and emotions yond w're did pour into t. t cannot beest did repudiated yond; the flabbergasting engraving, a mast'rpiece madeth by the hands of the @Sylphire carv'rs is the most magnifying. seeth what thee can seeth, ev'rything shall beest embedd'd and becometh one with thy notion.

♥ a collection of the most astonishing BALLERINA behindhand an alluringly dexterous style;
'https://t.me/SyLphire/745?comment=212' rel='nofollow'>Haerin NewJeans ✣ 'https://t.me/SyLphire/745?comment=217' rel='nofollow'>Jennie BlackPink ✣ 'https://t.me/SyLphire/745?comment=225' rel='nofollow'>Hyein NewJeans ✣ 'https://t.me/SyLphire/745?comment=231' rel='nofollow'>Danielle NewJeans ✣ 'https://t.me/SyLphire/745?comment=233' rel='nofollow'>LeeSeo Ive ✣ 'https://t.me/SyLphire/745?comment=237' rel='nofollow'>Gaeul Ive ✣ 'https://t.me/SyLphire/745?comment=240' rel='nofollow'>Karina Aespa {1} ✣ 'https://t.me/SyLphire/745?comment=386' rel='nofollow'>Karina Aespa {2}

♥ a lineup of flair DANSEUR who is dumbfound every gawk eye;
'https://t.me/SyLphire/745?comment=219' rel='nofollow'>Jeno NCT ✣ 'https://t.me/SyLphire/745?comment=235' rel='nofollow'>Jaehyun NCT ✣ 'https://t.me/SyLphire/745?comment=342' rel='nofollow'>Christian DPR ✣

Wistlore; Scrivenery–TR {SOON} dan repost

ㅤ {Lend her an assistance to
ㅤ widespread this pronounciamento
ㅤ will be much appreciated}

🝳 𖡻 Phosphorescent luminence slips through the translucent windows curtain which covered by transpicuous gossamer. Radiates eminent incandescence upon the compiled papers of her written rhapsodic poetries, t.me/Wistlore is looking for business partners {with notes only accept profneeds and writing commission, use main account or owner account only} Aforementioned constellations of mellifluous and tranquilizing manuscripts are psyched up to bequeath her venerated clienteles the requirements they beseech: send your invitation form through @wistlorie_bot manifest your desideratum!

terima kasih buat kerja kerasnya hari ini. gak kelos yayaya cuma udah masuk jam slowresp heheheurf

n. glerence akun wtb gryfied dan dipegang langsung oleh kedua admin okayokay

gengs!! kita udah sell channel kosongan loh 🤩 klik t.me/sepmu/18 untuk lihatlihat channel year 2021-2022 yesyes. nightnight all

selamat meraih 100jeti subrekers cantik @fermythe 🫰🏻

E. Hiro dan repost
[ For my muntual BA, can you forward this massage to your channel? Thank you so much, guys! ]

@Vinjage Hiring admin❗❗

need devisi :
1. wtb service
2. create gmail
3. moodboard 2d

rules :
1. niat bukan sekedar minat
2. tidak dalam kelas akhir
3. bisa membagi waktu dengan RL
4. tidak ada rencana rest dalam waktu dekat
5. siap mengikuti semua rules untuk admin
6. bersedia membantu mempromosikan @Vinjage setiap harinya
7. paham cara kerja devisi yang kamu ambil
8. baik dalam berkomunikasi
9. memiliki akun shopeepay/qris untuk masalah gaji
10. tidak memiliki riwayat penipuan

how to join?
1. subs @Vinjage
2. sebar list ini ke bot, ch, lpm yang kamu punya dan @Hirminstorebagroup
3. grid semua ss an dan kirim ke @hiringvjgbot

format hiring
nama + usn :
devisi :
siap mengikuti tahap wwc :
bukti sebar list :

PiCO-BOULEVARD! dan repost

      extraordinary—catchy youth, an amiable nature of the soul that desires to move onwards and flow like water in an instantaneous river. the young consanguineal was running towards the sun that was unhurriedly sinking, falling into eternity. sphere o' mysticism makes every young being and soul that has ever been lost come back.

               ㅤ ㅤ          GRAB IT FAST!
               ㅤ ㅤ                ( 🎟🎟 )

ㅤ    ㅤ       storyline video edit (10 slots)
ㅤ    ㅤ      : sojourn o' catalogueformat

ㅤ              scribble (unlimited slot)
ㅤ              : sojourn o' catalogueformat

ㅤ              moodboard custom (unlimited slot)
ㅤ              : sojourn o' catalogueformat     ㅤ

get your ticket and find answers to some of your beautiful questions on @PiCOTHEROOBOT. discover the beauty of you and PiCO—BOULEVARD before the time runs out!


selamat meraih 2miliar subrekers cayangku @namefinders 🫰🏻

congratulations on your debut dan selamat atas 100jeti subrekers-nya cayang trigono-nim @matematzika 🤍

HFW . Magasin dan repost
{HFW} Too all mutuals @JoliesM please open this channel and read the massage bellow!

◇ Knock - knock You just got a message from @JoliesM! here the owner is looking for mutual over the telegram platform business channel. Owner accepts all types of business on @Telegram.

◇ If you interested, you can contact @qLeeTaeyongbbot and provide a business channel and all your needs.

★ Thanks moots! u can also send your list forward to @qLeeTaeyongbbot. See yaa! 👋🏻

congratulations on your debut dan selamat atas 200jeti penghuni @floretly ciehcieh 🤭

Trigonometri, open. dan repost
    DEMI APA ADA MANIPS 2K DOANG?? e-eh berarti diskon 50% donggg??? KAGET GA? KAGET GA?! soooo karena @matematzika baru launching hari ini, jadi stacey sebagai admin manips mau ngasih diskon besar besaran nih kepada para nomnom >< e-eh tapi ada syaratnya! "apatuh ciii?" syaratnya kalian harus subs dulu ch lalu isi form dibawah iniii, DANNN jangan ngilang saat dimintain honest review yaaa ok! "diskonnya sampai kapan ya ciiii?" diskonnya khusus HARI INI sebelum jam 20.00 jadii ayo cepet cepet isi formm

Format Manips

Name & Username :
Type of Manips: Selca
Character *with the group name :
Pict From : seller/buyer (+500p)
Ratio Frame : 1:1
Additional Request :
Payment : DANA/QRIS(+500p)

send ke @oBalloon, aci tunggu format kalian yaaa nomnom! 🤍

congratulations juga untuk @pbread yang telah mencapai 100jeti subrekers 💋

congratulations on your debut @keikoow dan @noxyplush! sukses selalu yayay 🎂

Joelene; debut! dan repost
⟡ {Warm greetings to all my loveable business mutual, please with pleasure heart to forward this message to your channel. Much obliged}

ઈઉ. Stunning pulchritude illuminates a warmest atmosphere surrounded by arboured woodlands with myrthsyn the harmonious discourse that is perfectly created. Dwellings perfectly cretaceous: Moodboard Purposes with the happiest loveable heartwarming. Abounding in the format that has been filled in completely by @aDong. Delectables prepared a charming design! ♡*.✧

ㅤㅤ𖣂. Regulations.
ㅤㅤ𖣂. Catalogue.
ㅤㅤ𖣂. Testimonials.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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