For my favorit customers, everything that is here is our di catalog format. Please fill in the format as detailed as possible!
Name + Username :
Theme : (explain the detail)
Character/Muse (Include the full name, group and SNS) :
Pict From : buyer/seller
Slides :
How much pict idol :
Additional Request :
Deadline : Inrush/Priority order (kalau inrush sebut Deadline-nya)
Payment :
Name + username ::
Muse & group ::
Theme ::
Pict muse from ::
Language :: (eng/ind)
How many slide ::
Deadline :: Inrush/priority order (kalau inrush sebut deadline-nya)
Payment ::
- additional request (free)
With song :: yes/no
Name song :: (if request music)
With poll :: yes/no
With video :: yes/no
With question + answer :: yes/no
Decoration :: simple/full
note ::
name + username :
picture : seller/buyer [ please include the name, group, or sns ]
theme : [ explain the detail, including the brush type]
colour :
scribble size : simple/medium/hard
Deadline : Inrush/Priority order (kalau inrush sebut Deadline-nya)
note :
After everything is filled clearly, you can immediately send it to @lovestitchbot! Thank you very much. 💟
NOTE: disini format khusus pemesanan CUSTOM.
Name + Username :
Theme : (explain the detail)
Character/Muse (Include the full name, group and SNS) :
Pict From : buyer/seller
Slides :
How much pict idol :
Additional Request :
Deadline : Inrush/Priority order (kalau inrush sebut Deadline-nya)
Payment :
Name + username ::
Muse & group ::
Theme ::
Pict muse from ::
Language :: (eng/ind)
How many slide ::
Deadline :: Inrush/priority order (kalau inrush sebut deadline-nya)
Payment ::
- additional request (free)
With song :: yes/no
Name song :: (if request music)
With poll :: yes/no
With video :: yes/no
With question + answer :: yes/no
Decoration :: simple/full
note ::
name + username :
picture : seller/buyer [ please include the name, group, or sns ]
theme : [ explain the detail, including the brush type]
colour :
scribble size : simple/medium/hard
Deadline : Inrush/Priority order (kalau inrush sebut Deadline-nya)
note :
After everything is filled clearly, you can immediately send it to @lovestitchbot! Thank you very much. 💟
NOTE: disini format khusus pemesanan CUSTOM.