Protocol 1000 (Standard Protocol for Almost Everything)
Tip #1: Wait 30 mins to an hour after drinking coffee or any citrus drinks like orange juice. Take on a semi empty to empty stomach. You just don’t want to be full of food.
Tip #2: Do your drops 30 mins before every meal and 30 mins after every meal. If you don’t eat very much that’s fine too. That just means it’s going to work BETTER.
Tip #3: Mix your drops in the corner of a glass, wait for it to turn orange/yellow. If it doesn’t turn orange/yellow you did something wrong. Color change represents the ACTIVATION process.
Tip #4: Do not add your water before adding the drops. The Hydrochloric Acid acts as an activator to the Sodium Chlorite, if you have water in the glass prior to activation, it won’t work. It neutralizes it.
•1 drop each, (1 drop of sodium chlorite & 1 drop of Hydrochloric Acid) IN 4 OUNCES OF WATER every hour for 8 hours a day.
•After 3 days increase to 2 drops in 4 ounces of water every hour for 8 hours a day.
•On day 6, increase to 3 drops in 4 ounces of water every hour for 8 hours a day and continue for 3 weeks or 21 days
Eye Protocol for Almost ANY Eye Problems: (Cataracts, Glaucoma Etc.)
•1 drop ACTIVATED in 4 ounces of distilled water
•Use a GLASS eye dropper and ALWAYS store in the fridge.
•Flush each eye for around 20-30 seconds.
•Do this 3-4 times daily for 2-3 weeks
Pet/Animal Protocol for Most Ailments:
•2 activated drops in 4 ounces of distilled water
•Mix that activated water with 2 tablespoons of bone broth or beef broth (for cats use tuna fish or wet cat food)
•Do this 3 times a day for two weeks and if you don’t see results at that dose, increase to 8 times a day until you see the problems go away!
Breathing Treatment Protocol:
•1 OR 2 drops ACTIVATED in a glass.
•Hold the glass a few inches from your nose and GENTLY inhale and exhale 3 times, on the fourth breath, hold your inhale for 2-3 seconds.
•Do this every hour for 8 hours a day at the same time you do your normal Protocol 1000.
•You will know if it’s too strong for you, if it is, do ONLY 1 DROP and hold it further away from your nose.
Four Ounce Spray Bottle Protocol: (Skin, Bug Bites including Tics, Cuts, Sunburn and Skin Tags)
•10 ACTIVATED drops in 4 ounces of Distilled Water
•Add it to a small 4 ounce spray bottle
•Spray on the effected area every hour
•Keep refrigerated
Patch Protocol:
•10 ACTIVATED drops in 4 Ounces of Distilled Water
•Soak a white washcloth in the ACTIVATED water.
•Ring it out until it’s not dripping.
•Apply compress to affected area and let sit for 30-60 minutes. DO NOT go longer than 60 minutes!
Foot Bath:
•30-40 drops of Sodium Chlorite AND Hydrochloric Acid ACTIVATED in every gallon of water. (60-80 Drops Total)
•If you have it, add 10 drops of DMSO directly into the ACTIVATED water for the foot bath.
•The water can be as hot as you want/can handle. Let your feet soak for 30-60 minutes.
•Dry your feet with paper towels and dispose of them in the trash.