Postlar filtri

Kalo dn kita gaada tulisan open jangan kirim form ya... kan udah sering dibilangin.

Oh iya, last. Don't bring other's people catalogue to us, apalagi untuk dijadikan "inspo" customan. Asal inspo banyak kok, from any social media, asalkan sudah mendapatkan izin terlebih dahulu dari creatornya, bisa langsung kami proses. Kalau kalian bawa katalog orang untuk dijadikan inspo, apalagi maksa dan sampai memalsukan lisensi, bakal kami denda dan kita lapor ke pihak terkait.

Tapi nanti di sela2 aku bosen nganggur, aku open ordal dadakan kayak biasa ;)

Custom² an kita stop sementara. Lagi persiapan pts mentemen aku juga sekarang lumayan dikurangin megang hpnya, kalau ditanya kapan open custom juga aku gatau :D kita mau lanjut rest setelah event collab ini. Maybe setelah pts atau holiday December nanti. Mohon maaf banget ya 🙏🏻

Moots tolong bantu fw yaa, can kindly ask your feedback to @MaMaidsbot. TIA have a great eve ♡.

Harus iy.

Jwb iy.

Kget gk marjolaine balik2 rest bawa katalog profneeds??????

[ For our precious business mutuals or anyone who see this message, as a sign of care, love, and kindness can you please forward this to your business channel? It will help us a lot, thankyou! ]

Massive salutation telelings! @Cassiopheias @Anatheima and @Maerjo are back with new catalogues! But not only ordinary catalogue, we're back with a big collaboration with the theme of "Japan"

Do you want to explore the beauty of Japan with us? Don't forget to check our channels for the catalogues. We'll open on 6th September 2O21 at 16:OO WIB. Don't miss our big, big collaboration!

Hi! Welcome to Japan! Where do you want to explore first? #Kyoto? But first, book a ticket to ride the shinkansen! Here's the price list!

ㅤㅤㅤ— Code : Kyoto Temple
ㅤㅤㅤ— Price : IDR 5.OOO,-
ㅤㅤㅤ— Recolour fee : IDR 2.OOO,-
ㅤㅤㅤ— Material(s) : 2 jpg
ㅤㅤㅤ— Tap this for the order form

Hi! Welcome to Japan! Where do you want to explore first? #Kyoto? But first, book a ticket to ride the shinkansen! Here's the price list!

ㅤㅤㅤ— Code : Kawaii
ㅤㅤㅤ— Price : IDR 6.OOO,-
ㅤㅤㅤ— Recolour fee : IDR 2.OOO,-
ㅤㅤㅤ— Material(s) : 2 png
ㅤㅤㅤ— Tap this for the order form

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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