𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑗𝑜𝑜 𝑑𝑒 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙𝑜. dan repost
Bidding a luxurious greeting warmly to all the resplendent creatures that live through this environment we call Earth. Come back with me, the eleventh petal of IZ*ONE, Minju. Here to coddle your tired eyes, how are you my beloved Wizzies? I hope you are always healthy and safe, because I can't bulwark you, so you've to protect yourself, ok? Ok.
Wizzies, it's snowing recently. Do you see it? It's withal the reason why I emerged to see how my Wizzies life is going, I miss you lately and miss you even more because it's snowing. These few days are too insipid if we just stay quiet and don't do any activities, consequently we require to do something to surmount this boredom. I decided to upload my picture to treat the longing and boredom you are experiencing. With a long break, I hope you have a congenial job and perpetuate to eat healthy foods because we are still trapped in this lamentable situation. Stay healthy and always maintain your energy, Wizzies!
Wizzies, it's snowing recently. Do you see it? It's withal the reason why I emerged to see how my Wizzies life is going, I miss you lately and miss you even more because it's snowing. These few days are too insipid if we just stay quiet and don't do any activities, consequently we require to do something to surmount this boredom. I decided to upload my picture to treat the longing and boredom you are experiencing. With a long break, I hope you have a congenial job and perpetuate to eat healthy foods because we are still trapped in this lamentable situation. Stay healthy and always maintain your energy, Wizzies!