⋆d᥆ᥣᥣꪱ︩︪ᥱ 𓈒⋆

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Lytaet 𓂃✿𝆬י𓂃 INTP
終わりのない愛はない ׁ ̫ᯓ⬭

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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وقتی ممبرات مث خودتن:

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I'm in love with your boobs
no no no I mean--------

I'm in love with your smile

I'm in love with your eyes

I'm in love with your body



love with your voice

I'm I'm in love with your sense of humor

in love with your laugh


in love with your hair

I'm in love with your touch

I'm in love with your smell


in love with your hugs

I'm in love with your dances

I'm in love with the way you look at



in love with how I look at you

and smile for no reason

I'm in love with the way you think I'm in love with your style

I'm in love with holding your hand I'm in love with how you say yeaaa?

I'm in love with ur faith I'm in love with how smart

you are

I'm in love with your lips I'm in love with your name

I'm in love with your accents I'm in love with your caring

How To Make One Pot Mac &



I'm in love with the way you run your hands through my hair

I'm in love with every little detail

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about u


I'm in love with you

من همیشه کنارتم ... و تو همیشه کنارمی

و اون ترکم کرد ولی من هنوز با فکرش میخوابم :)

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Ellie >>>>>

کاشکی فقط درکم کنی ...

Good night baby's..

بهت هشدار دادم کاری نکن حسم بهت خنثی بشه ..

قبلا هروقت حال یکی از ما بد میشد قلب اون یکی درد می‌گرفت ‌.. و زود بهم زنگ میزدی میگفتی خوبی ؟؟ قلبم چرا درد گرفت ؟؟ ..
الان ک حالم خوب نیس هنوزم قلبت درد میگیره ؟؟ متوجه میشی؟؟

دلم برات تنگ شده ...

Snow :

You are my Mint...

But its coolness can give you pleasure and its bitterness can hurt you

The taste of mint is both cool and bitter

من بشم نعنا ی اون و اون بشه فرمانده من ..

خالی شدم از هر حسی که از تو گرفته شده ..

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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