Title: Champions League: Vinicius Taking Control As Holders Real Madrid Face LilleAgence France-Presse
Description: Real Madrid forward Vinicius Junior is hoping to end October with a first Ballon d'Or in his hands in Paris, but his month also begins in France with a Champions League visit to Lille on Wednesday
Link: https://sports.ndtv.com/football/champions-league-vinicius-taking-control-as-holders-real-madrid-face-lille-6689134
©️ @Memers_Gallery
Description: Real Madrid forward Vinicius Junior is hoping to end October with a first Ballon d'Or in his hands in Paris, but his month also begins in France with a Champions League visit to Lille on Wednesday
Link: https://sports.ndtv.com/football/champions-league-vinicius-taking-control-as-holders-real-madrid-face-lille-6689134
©️ @Memers_Gallery