Title: Georgia Awaits Celebrating Ex US President Jimmy Carter's 100th BirthdayAgence France-Presse
Description: The military flyover is ready, the songs have been rehearsed: Plains, Georgia is waiting to celebrate Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday on Tuesday when its hometown hero becomes the only ever US president to reach the centennial mark.
Link: https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/georgia-awaits-celebrating-ex-us-president-jimmy-carters-100th-birthday-6689475
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Description: The military flyover is ready, the songs have been rehearsed: Plains, Georgia is waiting to celebrate Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday on Tuesday when its hometown hero becomes the only ever US president to reach the centennial mark.
Link: https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/georgia-awaits-celebrating-ex-us-president-jimmy-carters-100th-birthday-6689475
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