8 july 2021, Happiest Day For Bybelie.
My random and precious person, geulis ku Bybelie. Happy birthday yaa ♡ Sorry i just can give you this short massage as a gift 🥺. I'm happy for you karena tambah besar, tambah cantik, tambah dewasa. Jadikan momen ini spesial buat kamu yaaa. I wish nothing but the best of you, darl. May you be blessed with sustenance, a long life, more mature, healthier, happier, and more positive. I hope your birthday this time makes your personality better. If you have a hard time don't hesitate to pour all your heart to me, okay?? My massage is only one, always be random , kind , positive Bybelie that I know. Ily and let's get closer bb
My random and precious person, geulis ku Bybelie. Happy birthday yaa ♡ Sorry i just can give you this short massage as a gift 🥺. I'm happy for you karena tambah besar, tambah cantik, tambah dewasa. Jadikan momen ini spesial buat kamu yaaa. I wish nothing but the best of you, darl. May you be blessed with sustenance, a long life, more mature, healthier, happier, and more positive. I hope your birthday this time makes your personality better. If you have a hard time don't hesitate to pour all your heart to me, okay?? My massage is only one, always be random , kind , positive Bybelie that I know. Ily and let's get closer bb