Due to the volatile nature of what we have been doing, antifascists and communists have been working overtime to mass report our channels. We've had two channels completely banned in under a month. It's a loss, but nothing major. It's been noted that even "based" telegram will not hesitate to ban channels for exposing the protected class of communists. That being said, we will continue our operations as normal. A new and more strategic plan to expose these freaks has been devised. We will accept nothing short of total victory. God bless all of you who fight alongside us day after day. It's important to note that our rebuild time for our channels has drastically decreased due to the wide support that we receive from fellow White Nationalist groups. I want to give a special thanks to all the supporters of NSF and everyone who shares our worldview. We aren't going anywhere. No amount of censorship will ever stop us from reaching our goals. The bonds and friendships that we have forged with other groups while on this path has been a gigantic White pill. We will continue to support every group that shares our National Socialist ideology.
-Hail Victory 88 ⚡️⚡️
-Hail Victory 88 ⚡️⚡️