Classical fuck.

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Ever seen a line on some part of your body that looks like stitching or spots that looks like there was some sort of surgery perfomed that gets you thinking "what sort of experiments have been done to me"

I identify as "cant hear without my subtitles"

They’re a quarter of my personality. They never call me Mommy. They don’t have faces though. For some reason, they just don’t. They have everything but a face. They have lives, their rooms are so warm, and their bedsheets are colorful. I tuck them in at night. I read them stories. I kiss them goodnight. I let them play. I let them be. They aren’t worried.

I don’t rush when I make their food. I don’t rush when I feed them. There’s time. I don’t rush them to grow up so fast. I don’t push them to understand everything right away. There’s time.

When it’s summer, and the sun doesn’t set until very late, we sit outside. They sit between my arms as we rock back and forth with the wind. I can hear their heartbeats. We’re always outside. We laugh outside. We play outside. We listen sometimes to the birds, sometimes to the trees, sometimes to music. Sometimes, we hear everything together.

It comes and goes. I drift in and out of reality. I think it’s unhealthy. I feel crazy, sometimes unstable. My stomach drops when I come back to the present. My heart sinks. But slowly & eventually I remember there’s time. When that thought settles in so does the calm. the weight lifts even just a little. I find myself breathing again softer steadier The storm quiets.There’s time.

Life after accuseing Beyonce for every problem in life ✨✨✨

I always wonder... what is the equivalent of 'no bitches' for girls? Obviously not 'no niggas'... maybe 'no mental sanity'

Sometimes, is it really fair for dying to be considered a sin when we didn't choose to be born in the first place?

Does anyone want to write and post on this channel ? Do something with it ? Text me @dreamvillean

I didn't watch any of the" important" movies growing up like batman lord of the rings and stuff but I watched stuck in love and claimed it as my favorite movie as a 14 year old. And I watched it at least twice a year ever since. It just never gets old It's my comfort movie. The quotes , the soundtrack, the cast , the setting. It's so real

For a moment, let me lie next to you. Let me exist in your presence one more time. Let me trace your veins all over your hands , your breath crawling on my neck. Just let me wonder in your blank eyes for a second. Let me weep beside you , think of a place to put the love I have for you. Let it all sting & Let it all consume me one more time at least I'm beside you. Just one more time let me see things in colors. Let me feel awake. Let's talk about how much you ran around when you were a child; let me live it thru you. Let's talk about your plans; let me plant myself into them without consulting you, let me be naive like that beside you one more time. Let me just be grateful for every twisted fate that brought me to you. Give my heart a moment to ease beside you. Let me mourn that we didn't get to dance or laugh we didn't get to fall in love, or feel pain together and heal from it. We didn't get to see the birds fly, the sun shine, or swim in the water together. I can't believe I was barred from claiming your heart, forbidden from dreaming you. But that's okay. It's really okay. I'll fill the parts I wanted to fill with you, with people, memories. feelings. What I love about life is its dynamism. Feelings are dynamic. emotions are dynamic.people are dynamic. Nothing is still. It isn't about erasing it all; it's about sinking into what is now. I hope the person you trust with your heart is fragile with it I hope she brings you magic. I know I'll feel relief soon but for tonight, the only way I can sleep is if I'm beside you. You are something I cant have, and I knew and I stayed. The feeling is familiar. the longing, the uncertainty, the wondering. I got to witness you find safety in someone else, while I mourn. another heartbreak , another shot to the chest. God, how I wanted it to be you. But this is the reality. Your heart belongs to someone else. I have to let you go. I wish it would've been a fairytale, but it's not. I'll never forget your innocent eyes your unspoken sadness your warm defined body , and your determination.
Maybe in another life.

The past 3 weeks I did nothing but play my friends the sameeee playlist with 10 songs over and over again till they memorize it. Basically what happened is they complained at first but then I keep finding them boping their heads and singing the lyrics even when the song isn't playing. bottom line is mission accomplished. 😂

Lately I haven't had anything to say. Gn Mac Miller has carried all the shit I've been feeling. He's done the heavy lifting. We've thugged it out together 😭 album through album.

Classical fuck was created exactly today in 2019 🫂
I think it aged well.

"The house was cleaned, and the tables were set out to make a room for you. Your coffin was brought out. The mourners came and wept, falling on the ground and mixing their tears with dirt. They scratched their faces and pulled out their hair. Funeral blues for you. I wonder if the cats notice your absence. I wonder if they wept too when I struggled to shed a tear. I still haven't cried for you.

I rested my head on the bathroom floor and played out the past year piece by piece, while a lump formed in my throat and fought me for air. The years to come seemed like a waste of breath, a waste of breath the years behind. I think I'm finally aware of your absence. At the same time, I feel your presence. Do you feel forgotten? I feel guilty avoiding the memory of you, but remembering you feels like touching broken glass and barbed wire. I felt awfully hollow all week, as if it was me that died. Grief wrapped me in its comfortless embrace. Missing you comes at the most unexpected times. Just when I think I have my life back, suddenly, with no warning, I get ambushed by grief."

a memory to share. In 8th grade , chemistry teacher gave us homework and nobody did it cause nobody understood what this man was fucking teaching. The genius we are we decided to tell him that he didn't give us any homework. What he did was he left the class , came back a few seconds later with a long fat ass GOMA and started whooping each & everyone of us . Bro TEGREFIN. Bro went around and hit about 27 students. And left the class and came back the second day to teach like he didn't beat our asses the past day.

What the fuck was that about ?? Normal new ? 😭😭 that was wild. Was it that necessary? The memory used to be funny but not anymore.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.