Hellow selamat pagi para pasien stanford hospital 🤍 sekarang kami sudah open pasien kembali , ingin berkonsultasi? silahkan melakukan payment yang ada di pinned pertama dan di sebar ke lpm yang kalian punya. kami menerima bukti berupa link bukan foto ya
🕰 SENIN - JUMAT : 09.00 - 22.00
🕰 SABTU - MINGGU : 08.00 - 22.00
Thank you for trusting our hospital for your consultation, we hope that our doctor's services can make you satisfied and happy. Have a nice day 🤍🤍
🕰 SENIN - JUMAT : 09.00 - 22.00
🕰 SABTU - MINGGU : 08.00 - 22.00
Thank you for trusting our hospital for your consultation, we hope that our doctor's services can make you satisfied and happy. Have a nice day 🤍🤍