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Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

full ooc, shitpost, random talk. please the policy for addressing this channel.
for more: @GreatSuit

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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AA, Always Alone.

If we meet at a time when you understand what loss means, I'll be going too because its destiny like that. Maybe not in a painful way as we now know, maybe not in a strange way that I did to make you aware, but there will be other ways that might make us regret all of this more. Don't blame the timing, don't blame the time and don't blame how you behave towards me. There's nothing we have to blame, her destiny is painful. You better not use the word "should" to describe your regret because there are no more "should" or "ifs". The two words mean nothing now. I loved you, girl. So just remember that and it not your fault.

Berlaku untuk semua orang. Tolong biarkan mereka mengekspresikan diri sesuai kenyamanan mereka, jangan gampang memberi mereka label seme/uke/butchy/femme atau pun label lain yang membuat mereka nggak nyaman dengan itu. Mau mereka pakai set up filter dark atau apapun, memakai stiker cute ataupun tidak dan menggunakan aku-kamu atau lo-gue sebagai typing sekali pun, posisi ketika mereka melakukan hubungan seksual bukan urusanmu.

Seme and uke is a terms used for someone's position when they're doing sex. It has nothing to do with personality and appearance. And also, dominant/submissive is a term used in bdsm relationship. Do not use it to underage muse and don't use it if you're not a a part of bdsm community. So let's stop sering people from their set up, stop minding their preffered position, stop interfering their private ground. A roleplayer is just a roleplayer and you can merely see them from how they behave and how is their personality.

cr, lian on whatsapp.

4 requirements for my happiness: money, friends, calm/quiet place and make ex out of this fake world.

On temporary swap, Lee Jeno.

Noma’lum dan repost
Nama : Afrozak
Cita² : Gebet rp Sowon
Usaha : Nggak ada karena digagalkan mantan

No need a couple, so please don't love me with your expected.

Reality offers us such wealth that we must cut some of it out on the spot, simplify.

I've permission from Rajeffrey. So don't let anyone speculate about the arrangement of this channel.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

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