
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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29 ta ovoz

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
♡                ❍                ⌲                         •••                                          
Liked by @VICTORYKINGSQ and 5.821.567 others

edit by : Nandra // @Hchnofc

Special tags :
@Wodnerland @kimtaehyungreal @auxiliarles @cattietime @Kiyowokk2 @razboyfie @taehyunglthv @vataehyvng @qvisualofc @nyebatnkmt @JayGraphier @rwoosiieeprk @maisacer @iTaehyungv30 @gookkiies @favprettygurl @iGfjhyun @Sokaploooo @buahngora @alegenic @xoxojvxx @holeeshitty @Thvurx @prexdirthv @l0velibel @kntlmeku @kaypcrtaehyung @kimtehyuthv @iSpoyboy

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2 minutes ago • See Translation
  ⌂               ⌕               ⊞               ♡

Noma’lum dan repost
♡ ❍ ⌲ •••
Liked by @VICTORYKINGSQ and 5.821.567 others

edit by : kettie mark gf

𝕾pecial tags :
@Wodnerland @maisacer
@cattietime @Hchnofc
@sokaploooo @kntlmeku

View all 5.694.268 comments
2 mi
nutes ago • See Translation
⌂ ⌕ ⊞ ♡

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Lucu wkwk

Sorry all.

Haidar Kanandra

📝 Haidar.

👤 #☁️ asik orangnya, gampang berbaur

👤 Be happy, Haidar Kanandra.

👤 #𝖓𝖆𝖆 bosan be happy trus, be mine aja gimana?

👤 #jeä p, msuk kan cug

👤 #𝐤ayvn tetap semangat jalani harinya

👤 #𝐃 be happy always

👤 #Nicho I will take care of you and love you with all my heart and will make you happy

👤 Pacar doyoung here, be happy

👤 #keja pagii, dah makan? Btw 08 brp kak?

👤 Haidar mine.

👤 kamu freak, i mean freaking cute

👤 mau rechat idar, aku kangennnn

👤 gantebg

👤 apa gamau jadi temen ku gitu ?

👤 cuma mau bilang,cwo yeri numpang lewat

👤 OH MY GOOD!!?? U LOOK SO COOL 😩💓, i want to meltttt jinjahhh 😮‍💨💘💘

👤 mie ayam or me?

👤 kalo isi hatimu aja leh gak?

👤 Stay cool bro

👤 #rafael matcha/coklat?

👤 banyak yang suka WKWKW, btw hari ini ada rencana apa?


👤 Suka kue atau gue?

👤 ayo main emel sama aku😼☝️🏻

👤 friendly && kind kece kali kalo bisa temenan sama lo

👤 it is enough that the world is evil to you, don't let you be evil to yourself.

👤 2 3 burung puyu, i love youu

👤 ini orang vibesnya cakep bener dah, dah ngopi belum bg? mau ngopi ga?

👤 keren amat bng, nongki brg sabi kli, sebat ntr kta. kuylah bng

👤 ikan paus makan tempe, 08 brpa kak? siapa tau bisa pacaran😂

👤 lucu gini minta disayang?

👤 #kz haidar ini tipe tipe cowo yang kalo dari luar cool tapi dari dalamnya jamet banget, bukan?

👤 info restoran buy one get u donggg

👤 annyeonng gw cewe nya jenooo

👤 Cool boy, mending jadi pacarku aja ga sih?

👤 Minimal pacaran banh

👤 Pergi ke jateng beli semangka
Kamu kan ganteng, gamau jadi pacar aku aja?

👤 #Zar udah tampan, keren, cocok sih jadi ayah dari anakku nanti

👤 Miziii ayang renjun bubu lewattt😜😜

👤 halo aku cewenya jaemin🙏🏻

👤 ikan sepat punya cucu, ur so cute i love you

👤 have a nice day

👤 minggu itu sunday
senin itu monday
kalo kamu handsome everday.

👥 64 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ👮🏻 ۫ ִ 𝐓hat cold and firm face looks serious in examining the items in front of him, items that are evidence of criminal cases that have recently become a trend among the public. 𝑳ee 𝑫ong-hyuck whose name or people call him 𝑯aechan, a man born in 𝕁une is assigned to uncover a recent crime, a member of the Seul 𝗣olice. 𝗧he current case of bank burglary, almost all the police gave up on this case because they did not find a bright spot, but the man born in June is different. He is still investigating the case to this day.

𝓣he beginning and the end of this case are all here.

cr. @wordinghelps

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

13 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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