Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Peony flowers that bloom beautifully, offer a million beauties from various sides. The luxury created by the color pink is sincere. To make your profile more attractive like Peony, then you have visited the right elegant place!
Order: @PeonyiesBot

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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selamat karena sdh jadi orang tua dari 700p anak!!! @Engvie🥺🥺🥺

@ScotchBae yang ini, hepi eniverseri yang ke 800 umat kk, 😄

📝 Admin gaboettttttt bangetz, ngobrol yuckkk! cuzz isi😘

👤 Owner Peonyies, Aiky cantik bgttt

👤 mau jadi anak jamet kalian dwonk 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 btw semangat terus yakkk 🥰😍

👤 etmin semangat trus yh semoga makin maju kedepannya 🥰😍😘


👤 Bismillah, dapet THR sejuta.

👤 Like sama channelnya apalagi interact adminnya,seruu

👤 Haloo admin,semoga kalian sehat2 terus 🤍

👤 Apk edit favorit kalian apa?

👤 Mwinta duit dong kaks

👤 Jujurrr, sukak banget sama editan manips nya, terutama sama interaksi admin, kayak orang pacaran 🙏


👤 Channel cantik bangett please,gmn catalognya😭😭❤️

👤 Guax adalackh mawfia. Jangaxn mac3m mac3m SaMa SaYa😈😼🤟


👤 A-akwu t-terpesowna swama cwatalog kwalian 😥😥😥😱😱😱😳😳😳😧😧😧😈😈😈

👤 selain katalog nya yg kece admin nya juga kece"😎

👤 ter inspirasi dari mana min buat buka store sndiri?

👤 kece" belajar di mana?

👤 semangat kaka admin, semoga store nya makin sukses

👤 Klo gabut suka ngapain aja?

👤 bagi thr dongg🥺 tp ak dah gede

👤 catalog nya pada kiyowo"

👤 Spill price catalog yg plng murah dongg

👤 pernah ga sih males buat ngetake order an??

👤 ngerjain ordernya butuh brp jam? atau hari?

👤 editan nya kece" poll klo promo kabarin yakk

👤 pengen manips nyaa😭😩


👤 pernah ke ghosting cust ga?

👤 catalog nya lucu" kpn ada promo?

👤 cataloguenyaa lucuuukk :(

👤 pernah ada kendala apa aja min selama nge BA

👤 scribble di kalian avail pict rl ngga? kalo avail mau order ah kapan kapan, hihi

👤 moodboard nya bgs" jadi pen order 😩💘

👤 Paling lama dan cepet ngerjain editan apa aja, berapa jam?

👤 gabut jg nihh, mending turu ga siehh

👤 edit manips ny pkek apk apa kak? kece" soalnya

👥 42 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

gweh akan cari moots jametttt!! 😚

@bouqueth happy 200, moots💪

Sunrise Pies : Soon dan repost
Estimado my mutual business, can you forward this message to your bussines channel? Merci beaucoup💐

Hola @SunrisePies Are looking for mutual fellow business channel, all types of BA is allowed. Contact @Sunpierobot if you want, Merci, Bonne journée 👋🏻💐

Pony kalau dimintain honest review sama adminnya tolong jangan dighosting yaa #SkiHti 🥀💔

Selamat pagi menuju siang, @peonyies masih open ya, yuk yang mau kirim format langsung cuss ke bot. Buat catalogue nya ada disini, dan testimoni nya disini.


Scribble close in rush dulu yaa sampai semua list orderan scribblenya selesai.

Hallo Pony, admin manips open in rush dibawah 1 jam yaa, Syaratnya : Foto gampang dicari, tengs😃😃

Selamat pagiii semuanyaaa, masih open yaa sayang yaa. Cusss langsung send form ajaa ke bott 😍🥰

YEYY, OPEN YUKK! Sebelum itu aku ingatin lagi ya, tolong isi form dengan rinci biar pesanannya sesuai dengan kemauan kalian dan gak banyak revisi juga lalu semisal pictnya dari kalian tolong disatuin aja ya dengan form ordernya langsung. Okay? Send form kalian ke @PeonyiesBot. 💓

(To our business mutuals and to anyone who sees this announcement. Can you help forward this announcement on your business channel? Thank you very much for your help!)

Have you seen the sundries as beautiful as the Peony Flower? It's beautiful because every detail in the corner is made with sincerity with Peony as an inspiration. Sweet peonies with pink symbolize timeless elegance, just like every type of work created. By upholding the specialty of the Peony Flower, @Peonyies presents various beautiful things to beautify your profile so that it looks much more elegant. With only a low cost, in an instant you will be amazed by the sweetness, elegance and beauty that are poured into one like a Peony Flower. So you can visit us at @Peonyies on the exact date 20 at 7 PM and get your beauty!

Sudah bisa Fw ya moots, tapi akan di posting setiap jam 10 malam serentak. @peonyhfwbot

With abundant sincerity, loving hands make every detail as beautiful as a Peony Flower. Each side exudes a boundless elegance that is truly all-encompassing. The beauty and elegant is spread so that the audience can feel it. The various feelings felt by the connoisseurs really help in increasing the level of beauty so that it is closer to perfection. Connoisseurs pour their feelings when they see the beauty. That feeling is poured into this cauldron! Proudly presents a cauldron filled with beautiful love sentences.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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