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@Hallerdam; Tout mon coeur. Je vous ai choisis. Et je te choisis encore et encore. Sans s'arrêter, sans hésiter, à chaque battement de mon cœur. Je continuerai à te choisir.

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And also happy birthday to all muse Jennie Kim especially:

Jennie, Emmy, Jibbie, Mayres, Naysyasa, Michiesa, Diana, Milea (2), Laura, Jelshie, Cessa, Gibbie, Gishanya, Rain, Awantara, Jehanne, Gemala, Dominique, Eleanoré, Roulivia, Alex, Syensla, Katherine, Psychëlic, Ayshie, Helga, Joēlle, Renesmeé, Lareyne, Elsakania, Beverly.

May there always be work, for your hands to do. May your purse always hold, a coin or two. May the sun always shine, upon your window pane. May a rainbow be certain, to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend, always be near to you and may God fill your heart, with gladness to cheer you. I hope this birthday greeting brings happiness to you all, and brings to you the very best in everything you do.

Warm loving wishes and a life that is blessed. May each day and year be always the best. Wishing you a day as special as you. Happy birthday for my gorgeous muse, Jennie Kim. Wishing you smiles, laughter, joy and cheer. New happiness that stays throughout the year. Hope your birthday brings all these and more, filling life with suprises and joy galore.

Turns out it’s a lie just like the smile I put on each and everyday. I know outside I’m smiling, It’s the face I fake for you, but inside my soul is crying and there is nothing I can do. I know my family loves me, I’m there when their decisions are poor. I’m sick of feeling like this walked on rug thrown upon the floor. I lay in bed and wonder what the hell I’m doing here. Can I wake up from this dream? Can I please just disappear? You are the sun that shines brightly throughout my day. You are the gravity that holds me down in every way. You are the moon that shimmers throughout my night. You are stars that glimmer oh so bright. The feelings I feel for you, I am never letting go. Remember me always and I will, too. I always think of me and you.

I don’t know what I’ll say but I’ll never stop loving you each and every day. My feelings for you will never change, Just know my feelings are true. Just remember one thing, I love you. I lay in bed alone at night and wonder why I’m here. I do so much for everyone. Why don’t they show they care? I met this girl who said she loved me something I haven’t heard in so long. She used me for my money. What a ride she took me on. There is so much hurt I feel, so much anger trapped inside. Sometimes I wish my dad was here, but to me, he’s not alive. I have no one to talk to these drugs seem to be the only way.

True love is measured by how deep you fall and judged by how low you are willing to crawl. Just to save it and make it last. It is determined by how willing you are to open up and offer your trust. It is hospitable, amazing at all times, and always kind. It is never prejudiced, it is color blind. I never really knew you, you were just another friend but when I got to know you, I let my heart unbend. I couldn’t help past memories that would only make me cry. I had to forget my first love and give love another try, so I’ve fallen in love with you and I’ll never let you go. I love you more than anyone. I just had to let you know and if you ever wonder why.

She doesn't have trust issues just because she's being distant and cautious. She's just seen a lot before and learned many lessons. She's witnessed bulls before and you might be making mistakes she promised herself she would never make again. Woman crave action, they're interested in what you have to say—but they're drawn to the way you act. Women build walls when they've been through a lot and it's normal that those walls build higher standards. She's not full of herself for making herself unavailable for just anyone. Don't be so quick to think she doesn't care just because she doesn't seem obsessed by everything you do.

And they roared as loud as thunder and carried lightning in the strike of their cruelty, but what are thunder and lightning to fearless girls who are used to carrying entire storms and hurricanes in their fingertips?

Lock the windows, hide the pain. I know where I am, but my mind is drifting away foolishly. Is this where my heart really is, in this unknown space far from you? Of course, I have a goal. But is it related to yours? I can't help but feel that our relationship is just one more phase leading me to a bigger one. It is absolutely terrifying the kind of deep pain that the happiest people are able to hide within themselves. Never confuse his silence with weakness. Remember that sometimes the air stops before a hurricane starts.

I hope you are blessed with a heart like a wildflower. Strong enough to rise again after being trampled upon, tough enough to weather the worst of the summer storms, and able to grow and flourish even in the most broken places. Her story is not just crimson pomegranates, all of the splendour of spring bends to her will. But this floral maiden also sends shudder of fear with one delicate footstep through all of hell. She reigns over the birth of flowers and gentle beings, raises baby birds in her lap, and with fawns she plays. She reigns over demons and demise alike and before her fury, even death themselves pales.

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