For starters, we as the United States, as well as the rest of the world, are switching over to a new payment system. Does anyone disagree?? Perfect, you all agree. Does it fall within the Quantum Financial System?? Great, you agree again. Now, what does QFS even mean and what is its purpose??
For example, Ripple Labs designed the XRP token. For what purpose? Was it to have the same function as the standard cryptocurrency??
What was it designed for? Think critically. Hint: it was for the purpose of switching OFF the old Fiat/Swift system that is HIGHLY CORRUPT, and moving to a non-corruptable system. AND, it has the ability to move money around the world at lightning speed at only a fraction of a penny?
Is this ALL its intended for... to move money? Sounds interesting right? But wait, there's more!!
Imagine this: Lets say the local nursery delivers a truck load of dirt (imagine gold) and drops it off in your driveway. You need it to be taken to the back yard where it was intended. You look around and find a wheelbarrow (XRP). You go, "aha, now I have a way (method) of moving the dirt (gold) from the front to the back. BUT.. in order to do this, the wheelbarrow (XRP) has to have the SAME VALUE of that which it is moving (gold). So, in this case, lets say you put 10 bars of gold in the wheelbarrow. The wheelbarrow doesn't have the original $100 value which you bought it for, it HAS TO HAVE THE SAME VALUE as the 10 bars of gold it holds, which in this case lets say is $10,000. The wheelbarrow HAS to be worth $10,000 now because thats what its moving.
Now lets go back to XRP. Its going to be the new payment method in which money is being transferred around the world. ANYONE wanna guess how much money is transferred/transacted on a daily basis... I'll give you a clue, its in the trillions.
So, using a basic example, lets say $100 needs to be moved around the world and there is only ONE XRP in existence. How much is it worth? Ding ding ding, you win a prize, its worth $100. What if there's TWO XRP in existence? Ding ding ding, you win another prize, they're both worth $50. You catching on yet??
As of this writing, there are 55 billion XRP being held in escrow by Ripple. Ripple maintains control of it and can hold on or release it however they'd like. And since only 100 billion were created, there are 45 billion in circulation around the world. As an example, if there's $10 trillion circulating in a day... and only 45 billion XRP in existence, each XRP would HAVE to hold a value of $222.00. See how this works? As more and more countries and institutions sign on to use the XRP ledger.. and more money is circulated, you divide that by the number of XRP in existence and you come up with the value.
If you do your research, you'll find that Ripple Labs have also done theirs. When creating the XRP token, Ripple KNEW how much money could potentially circulate around the world, therefore the XRP token was created to HOLD a value of $10,000 EACH. Yep, you read that right. Any guesses as to how much each token held when Ripple made XRP "go live" for testing purposes?
Do I need to spoon feed everyone or can you look it up yourself? Check it out and get back to me... but until then, KNOW WHAT YOU HOLD and DO NOT sell.
We will all soon be millionaires/billionaires and we'll meet up as an XRP family somewhere tropical.
Best wishes