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UN Secretary General – António Gutteres
“Decarbonization is the greatest commercial opportunity of all time... those who move first will benefit the most.”
“Governments, you need to align the long term objective of net zero emissions with your short term Covid-19 recovery plans.”
“Putting a price on carbon... and making climate related financial disclosure mandatory.”
“We can achieve carbon neutrality for a sustainable future.”
Source WEF Financing a Whole of Economy Transition Green Horizon Summit Nov 2020:
“Decarbonization is the greatest commercial opportunity of all time... those who move first will benefit the most.”
“Governments, you need to align the long term objective of net zero emissions with your short term Covid-19 recovery plans.”
“Putting a price on carbon... and making climate related financial disclosure mandatory.”
“We can achieve carbon neutrality for a sustainable future.”
Source WEF Financing a Whole of Economy Transition Green Horizon Summit Nov 2020: