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No Vaccine, No Midwifery Degree? - 24/03/2021
Kelly: "We have been informed that if we are to continue to go out on clinical placement, we'll be required to get the Covid-19 vaccine.
We are 3 years into midwifery, we have to choose between having the vaccination or getting our degree... If we don't get enough clinical hours then we can't pass our degree."
Peter: "My initial reaction be would is your lecturer's, your teachers are completely off the reservation. They don't have any right to do this."
Kelly: "I've emailed them & their saying to us that the DHB going forward, would like all medical staff to have the Covid-19 vaccine."
Peter: "Is that threat being put in writing and do you have evidence of the instruction?"
Kelly: "Yes we have emails that have come out from AUT stating that we will be required to have the Covid-19 vaccine."
Source Magic Talk Radio
Full Interview:
Kelly: "We have been informed that if we are to continue to go out on clinical placement, we'll be required to get the Covid-19 vaccine.
We are 3 years into midwifery, we have to choose between having the vaccination or getting our degree... If we don't get enough clinical hours then we can't pass our degree."
Peter: "My initial reaction be would is your lecturer's, your teachers are completely off the reservation. They don't have any right to do this."
Kelly: "I've emailed them & their saying to us that the DHB going forward, would like all medical staff to have the Covid-19 vaccine."
Peter: "Is that threat being put in writing and do you have evidence of the instruction?"
Kelly: "Yes we have emails that have come out from AUT stating that we will be required to have the Covid-19 vaccine."
Source Magic Talk Radio
Full Interview: