1. COHABITATION (N) ( साथ रहना )
Meaning- (of political parties) the state or condition of cooperating for specific purposes without forming a coalition.
Synonyms- Crossing, junctura, conflux, concubitus, nodal
Antonyms- annulment, divorce, separation
Usage- Marriage is said to be Consummated in the first act of cohabitation.
2. INCUMBENT (Adj) ( पदग्राही )
Meaning- holding an indicated position, role, office, etc.
Synonyms- urgent, necessary, compelling, binding
Antonyms- unnecessary
Usage- Fanny did not see that; but felt it incumbent on her to continue talking. '
3. PROMINENCE (N) ( प्रमुखता )
Meaning- the state of being important or well known.
Synonyms- fame, celebrity, eminence, Importance, pre-eminence
Antonyms- bottom, nadir, unimportance, obscurity
Usage- The company rose to prominence in the 1990s.
4. UNEQUIVOCALLY (Adv) ( स्पष्ट )
Meaning- in a way that leaves no doubt.
Synonyms- apparent, obvious, clear-cut, explicit
Antonyms- vague, equivocal, ambiguous
Usage- His name was Lemoss; his testimony to the point and unequivocal.
5. DEITIES (N) ( देवी-देवताओं )
Meaning- a god or goddess.
Synonyms- idol, immortal, creator, Godhead, divinity
Antonyms- Earthborn, human, unholy being, mortal.
Usage- Of the same order of deities are Vata or Vayu, the wind, and Parjanya, the rain-storm.
6. AGGRIEVED (Adj) ( व्यथित, असंतुष्ट )
Meaning- unhappy, hurt, and angry because of unfair treatment.
Synonyms- resentful, affronted, indignant, disgruntled, discontented, angry, distressed
Antonyms- content, gratified, pleased, satisfied
Usage- He felt aggrieved by their refusal to meet with him.
7. CONDEMN (V) ( निंदा करना )
Meaning- to criticize (someone or something) severely.
Synonyms- blame, convict, reprove, cast, censure, denounce
Antonyms- absolve, acquit, exonerate, pardon, justify, approve
Usage- Don't condemn him before you hear the evidence.
8. SOARED (V) ( बढ़ना )
Meaning- to increase or go up quickly to a high level.
Synonyms- rise, climb, wing, top, fly up, shoot up
Antonyms- plummet
Usage- Sand flew as they soared and leapt through the desert.
9. TROUBLESOME (Adj) ( कष्टप्रद )
Meaning- causing difficulty or annoyance.
Synonyms- annoying, irritating, irksome, exasperating, importunate, vexatious
Antonyms- easy, pleasant, amusing, facile, light, unlaborious
Usage- She was very troublesome when I began to write this morning.
10. INFURIATED (V) ( व्यथित )
Meaning- make (someone) extremely angry and impatient.
Synonyms- enrage, madden, incense, anger, inflame
Antonyms- please, soothe
Usage- The woman was uncontrollable, and this thought infuriated him further.
Talk through hat
Meaning- To say foolish things; to talk nonsense.
Usage- She is just talking through her hat.
Spring Up
Meaning- To appear or to be produced suddenly and quickly
Usage- New IT companies were springing up every day.
1. COHABITATION (N) ( साथ रहना )
Meaning- (of political parties) the state or condition of cooperating for specific purposes without forming a coalition.
Synonyms- Crossing, junctura, conflux, concubitus, nodal
Antonyms- annulment, divorce, separation
Usage- Marriage is said to be Consummated in the first act of cohabitation.
2. INCUMBENT (Adj) ( पदग्राही )
Meaning- holding an indicated position, role, office, etc.
Synonyms- urgent, necessary, compelling, binding
Antonyms- unnecessary
Usage- Fanny did not see that; but felt it incumbent on her to continue talking. '
3. PROMINENCE (N) ( प्रमुखता )
Meaning- the state of being important or well known.
Synonyms- fame, celebrity, eminence, Importance, pre-eminence
Antonyms- bottom, nadir, unimportance, obscurity
Usage- The company rose to prominence in the 1990s.
4. UNEQUIVOCALLY (Adv) ( स्पष्ट )
Meaning- in a way that leaves no doubt.
Synonyms- apparent, obvious, clear-cut, explicit
Antonyms- vague, equivocal, ambiguous
Usage- His name was Lemoss; his testimony to the point and unequivocal.
5. DEITIES (N) ( देवी-देवताओं )
Meaning- a god or goddess.
Synonyms- idol, immortal, creator, Godhead, divinity
Antonyms- Earthborn, human, unholy being, mortal.
Usage- Of the same order of deities are Vata or Vayu, the wind, and Parjanya, the rain-storm.
6. AGGRIEVED (Adj) ( व्यथित, असंतुष्ट )
Meaning- unhappy, hurt, and angry because of unfair treatment.
Synonyms- resentful, affronted, indignant, disgruntled, discontented, angry, distressed
Antonyms- content, gratified, pleased, satisfied
Usage- He felt aggrieved by their refusal to meet with him.
7. CONDEMN (V) ( निंदा करना )
Meaning- to criticize (someone or something) severely.
Synonyms- blame, convict, reprove, cast, censure, denounce
Antonyms- absolve, acquit, exonerate, pardon, justify, approve
Usage- Don't condemn him before you hear the evidence.
8. SOARED (V) ( बढ़ना )
Meaning- to increase or go up quickly to a high level.
Synonyms- rise, climb, wing, top, fly up, shoot up
Antonyms- plummet
Usage- Sand flew as they soared and leapt through the desert.
9. TROUBLESOME (Adj) ( कष्टप्रद )
Meaning- causing difficulty or annoyance.
Synonyms- annoying, irritating, irksome, exasperating, importunate, vexatious
Antonyms- easy, pleasant, amusing, facile, light, unlaborious
Usage- She was very troublesome when I began to write this morning.
10. INFURIATED (V) ( व्यथित )
Meaning- make (someone) extremely angry and impatient.
Synonyms- enrage, madden, incense, anger, inflame
Antonyms- please, soothe
Usage- The woman was uncontrollable, and this thought infuriated him further.
Talk through hat
Meaning- To say foolish things; to talk nonsense.
Usage- She is just talking through her hat.
Spring Up
Meaning- To appear or to be produced suddenly and quickly
Usage- New IT companies were springing up every day.