I have been not so much neglecting my substack lately as I have just been prioritizing other things like guest spots around the internet bad guy streaming world, court dates (BTFO, cops!) and so on.
It does appear though its reached over 3 thousand subscribers despite my scarce posting. Thank you to everyone for the support! I hadn't looked at the numbers in months and they are far better than I assumed.
I havn't forgotten it and will be getting around to some more content in the future from the usual political developments in Soviet Canuckistan, perhaps some one off war story/memoirs and whatever else I feel I have the tools for at any given time.
I don't like to just write things for the sake of themselves to try and gain exposure or followers. If my heart isn't in it and I don't have any passion for the subject at the time then I feel the result is sub standard and that just is not how I like to do things.
Lastly, even if you're a barbarian that doesn't read anything at all and is using a translator as I type this - please consider following the substack page (its free) as updates and posts I make get mailed directly to your inbox. This effectively creates a mailing list that I can quickly utilize to get a message out to you directly if and when the need arises.