Die zusammengefasste Geburtenziffer in der Schweiz liegt mit 1,52 Kindern pro Frau knapp unter dem EU-Durchschnitt von 1,56. Von den berücksichtigten Ländern hat Frankreich mit 1,88 Kindern pro Frau die höchste Geburtenziffer, was immer noch unter der Marke von 2,1 Geburten pro Frau ist, die für den Generationenerhalt nötig wäre. Am anderen Ende des Spektrums liegen Italien und Spanien, wo pro Frau durchschnittlich 1,29 bzw. 1,26 Kinder geboren werden.
More about Italia / EU
Picture 1 https://t.me/FinanceFactsTelegram/428
Women in the EU are having their first child later https://perma.cc/G42U-ECN6
In 2019, the mother’s age at the first childbirth was above 31 in three EU Member States: Italy (31.3 years), Spain and Luxembourg (both 31.1 years).
Young and older mothers in the EU https://perma.cc/W5YS-VAXS
Concerning older mothers, the highest proportions of births of first children born to women aged 40 or over were registered in Spain (8.8% of total births of first children in 2017) and Italy (8.6%), followed by Greece (6.6%), Luxembourg and Ireland (both 5.9%).
The highest shares of births of first children to young mothers aged below 20 were recorded in Bulgaria (12.5% of total births of first children in 2017) and Romania (12.1%).
In contrast, young mothers accounted for less than 2% of first births in Denmark (1.0%), Italy and Slovenia (both 1.1%), the Netherlands (1.2%), Luxembourg and Sweden (both 1.4%).
Around 5% of births of first children in the EU in 2016 were to women aged less than 20 (teenage mothers) and around 3% to women aged 40 and over.
Overall, the total fertility rate in the EU stood at 1.60 births per woman in 2016. It varied between Member States from 1.34 in both Spain and Italy to 1.92 in France.
On average in the EU, women who gave birth to their first child in 2016 were 29 years old.
More about Italia / EU
Picture 1 https://t.me/FinanceFactsTelegram/428
Women in the EU are having their first child later https://perma.cc/G42U-ECN6
In 2019, the mother’s age at the first childbirth was above 31 in three EU Member States: Italy (31.3 years), Spain and Luxembourg (both 31.1 years).
Young and older mothers in the EU https://perma.cc/W5YS-VAXS
Concerning older mothers, the highest proportions of births of first children born to women aged 40 or over were registered in Spain (8.8% of total births of first children in 2017) and Italy (8.6%), followed by Greece (6.6%), Luxembourg and Ireland (both 5.9%).
The highest shares of births of first children to young mothers aged below 20 were recorded in Bulgaria (12.5% of total births of first children in 2017) and Romania (12.1%).
In contrast, young mothers accounted for less than 2% of first births in Denmark (1.0%), Italy and Slovenia (both 1.1%), the Netherlands (1.2%), Luxembourg and Sweden (both 1.4%).
Around 5% of births of first children in the EU in 2016 were to women aged less than 20 (teenage mothers) and around 3% to women aged 40 and over.
Overall, the total fertility rate in the EU stood at 1.60 births per woman in 2016. It varied between Member States from 1.34 in both Spain and Italy to 1.92 in France.
On average in the EU, women who gave birth to their first child in 2016 were 29 years old.