
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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🦋. i think the best date ever if we’re met at the 🏖 : beach. apalagi panas-panas gini kan ya? kalau ke pantai pasti seru banget, minum es kelapa sambil bangun istana pasir & buat tulisan “4EVER” hahaha

📝 t.me/ and choose one

👤 t.me/hyezwony lee jeno

👤 t.me/jseuunghe + Lee haechan

👤 t.me/selaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Lee jeno

👤 t.me/miinjieong + Lee mark

👤 t.me/DGVSGRL + Huang Renjun

👤 t.me/minjjeongg Lee Jeno

👤 t.me/ningysh lee jeno

👤 t.me/SHINRENJIN , lee jeno , tadi typo hhe

👤 t.me/yeripororo Lee jeno

👤 t.me/chanyeolxh + lee jeno

👤 https://t.me/JaemNsa + lee jeno

👤 t.me/lKimJcnnie lee jeno

👤 t.me/xiaozhcn Lee Jeno

👤 t.me/crashreali lee mark

👤 t.me/hchasand lee mark

👤 t.me/KarinahBandung lee Jeno

👤 t.me/ksuunwoo + lee jeno

👤 t.me/oimtaehyung Lee jeno

👤 t.me/iLeeMar_k Lee Mark

👤 t.me/wonyoungtokki huang renjun

👤 t.me/yyeurikiim + lee jeno

👤 t.me/WinterAjespa park jisung

👤 Lee jeno

👤 t.me/midnightsoul lee jeno

👤 t.me/Taehiung Lee Mark

👥 25 people have voted so far.
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Welcome August. Forget the 𝕻𝖆𝖘𝖙 (1), think of ⓕⓤⓣⓤⓡⓔ (2), remember God's goodness and his 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 (3) and 𝓐bility (4) to take u to where u tought to be and establish u. ごきげんよう! (5). Hand in hand. Wherever we walk, walking down a small alley or a big street. Never ever give up to reach a goal. Really close at that time, u hold my hand so do i. My memory still remembers well at that time we were still so innocent. Walking no matter it’s a thorn, dense forest, or winding. We just fell, i’m not afraid of anything because i’m not alone. hAppy gIrlfrIEnd dAy to my pretty gurl! 🤍

📝 Lemme know ur first impression to [🦋] Sashalma, @c_Sana woof — woof

Beri aku G⃞lass M⃞irror (1) yang rata tak retak atau 澄んだ湖 (2) yang tenang airnya atau genangan embun di telapak tangan 𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐔𝐑 (3) atau bundar 눈알 (4) dara yang 𝓑erbinar berpendaran untuk meyakinkan diri bahwa aku memang حقيقة (5) ada.

11 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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