Arizona Laws & Bills Chat

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A place to discuss AZ Laws & Bills

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Your are welcome to post anything related to Arizona Legislation. All scam posts will be deleted. Post that are addressed at the Federal level will be deleted. This is just for Arizona Legislation and have discussions on bills or maybe future bills.

Towards the end of the month I will be off Telegram for 2 weeks. If someone wants to volunteer to help post legislation and help other be aware, please DM me.

SCR1003 "Subject to voter approval, constitutionally terminates a state of emergency proclaimed by the Governor after 30 days, unless extended by Concurrent Resolution of the Legislature. Requires the Governor to call a special session of the Legislature within 10 days of proclaiming a state of emergency."

SB1022 "Replaces references to product of human conception with unborn child. "

HB2770 "Asserts a business is not required to enforce a state, city, town, county or other jurisdiction's mask mandate on the businesses' premises. "

SB1084 "Terminates a state of emergency proclaimed by the Governor after 90 days, unless extended by the Legislature. Prohibits the Governor from issuing a new state of emergency proclamation for the same conditions as a terminated proclamation without the consent of the Legislature."

SB1010 "Expands the hand count threshold to at least five percent and outlines procedures for certain recounts."

SCR1034 "Subject to voter approval, allows the Legislature to amend, supersede or appropriate or divert funds created by an initiative or referendum measure approved by the voters if the measure is found to be illegal or unconstitutional by the Arizona Supreme Court or U.S. Supreme Court. "

SB1714 "Makes several changes and additions to statute regarding campaign expenditures for out-of-state contributors as it relates to advertisements."

SB1713 "Requires an early ballot affidavit to fit inside the return envelope and requires a voter to include their date of birth and certain permissible forms of identification with the affidavit in the return envelope"

SB1613 "Requires all election equipment to be made in America and prohibits election data or results from being transferred, transmitted or stored in any other country. "

SB1531 "Stipulates that a petition circulator must either read aloud the petition description to the qualified signer or give the person sufficient time to read it."

SB1530 "Requires early ballots to be sent in an envelope with directions to mark the unopened envelope "return to sender" and deposit the envelope in the mail if the addressee does not reside at the address. "

SB1432 "Extends, from 7 to 15 days after an election, the amount of time for which it is a class 2 misdemeanor for a person to knowingly remove, alter, deface or cover political signs or materials."

SB1408 "Prohibits, retroactive to January 1, 2020, specified county election material from being deemed privileged, confidential or protected from disclosure pursuant to a subpoena."

SB1241 "Requires an electronic voting system to provide a paper receipt to the voter at the time the voter's ballot is received for tabulation. Requires the paper receipt to state whether to voter's ballot was tabulated or rejected and the reasoning for rejection if applicable."

SB1106 Classifies, as a class 6 felony, a person registering as an elector solely for the purpose of voting in an election and without an intent to remain. "

SB1105 "Increases, from 100 to 200 words, the length of an initiative or referendum description included on initiative and referendum petitions."

SB1068 "Requires the Secretary of State's official instructions and procedures manual (elections procedures manual) to be submitted to the Legislative Council, rather than the Governor, for review and approval prior to issuance."

HCR2016 "Subject to voter approval, requires 55 percent of voters at a statewide election, rather than a majority of voters, to approve an initiative or referendum. "

HCR2001 "Subject to voter approval, requires initiatives to embrace a single subject and matters properly connected to the subject. Voids any subject included in an initiative that is not expressed in the title of the measure. "

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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