Types of digital currency wallets and security recommendations
Wallet types:
• Hot wallets: online wallets, such as cloud or mobile apps. Convenient to use, but less secure.
• Cold wallets: offline wallets, such as hardware wallets and paper wallets, suitable for long-term storage and more secure.
Security recommendations:
1. Choose a reputable wallet.
2. Back up your wallet regularly and save your private keys.
3. Enable two-factor authentication.
Wallet types:
• Hot wallets: online wallets, such as cloud or mobile apps. Convenient to use, but less secure.
• Cold wallets: offline wallets, such as hardware wallets and paper wallets, suitable for long-term storage and more secure.
Security recommendations:
1. Choose a reputable wallet.
2. Back up your wallet regularly and save your private keys.
3. Enable two-factor authentication.