SAT I Yorqinbek Zafarovich

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Assalomu alaykum!
O'zbek o'quvchilari uchun eng muhim SAT materiallari va manbaalarni mana shu kanalda sizga ulashaman!
💻SAT Online kurslari bo’yicha: @yorqinbek_zafarovich
SAT daraja 1530, IELTS score 8.0

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Ingliz tilida ba'zi ba'zida so'kinib turishga imkon beradigan yagona narsa)

It is not related to my courses or anything and is completely free

📌Fellas, there is a new project coming soon, super ultra useful especially for young men

Are you interested? Leave reactions👇

Early GYM session - a great way to start your day💪


Ulgurganlarga ertaga aloqaga chiqishni boshlayman

462 0 0 19 22

Olganlar omadli, o'chirib yubordim uje

Uzoq o'ylab sizga bir narsa sovg'a qilishga qaror qildim

Nimaligi qiziq bo'lsa shu postga maksimum reaksiya bosing, yaqin 1 soatda e'lon qilaman Xudo xohlasa)

509 0 0 4 112

🇺🇸California shtatidagi top Universitetlar ro'yxati:

Stanford University #3(QS)

📚Sat range: 1470-1570
⌛️Application deadline: January 5
📈Acceptance rate: 4%
📝IELTS requirement: 7.0+

Harvey Mudd College #71(forbes)

📚Sat range: 1480-1560
⌛️Application deadline: January 5
📈Acceptance rate: 10%
📝IELTS requirement: 7.5+

California Institute of Technology #6 (QS)

📚Sat range: 1530-1580
⌛️Application deadline: January 3
📈Acceptance rate: 4%
📝IELTS requirement: 7.0+

University of California - Los angeles #44 (QS)

📚Sat range: 1290-1510
⌛️Application deadline: November 30
📈Acceptance rate: 11%
📝IELTS requirement: 7.0+


852 1 14 14 18

🥱Write anything more boring than a university lecture:

O'zbekistondagi bir qancha xalqaro va xususiy universitetlar tomonidan ishlatiladi, davlat institutlariga o'tish-o'tmasligi haqida esa hali aniq qaror chiqqanicha yo'q

📌Where are SAT scores used?

📝SAT scores are used by colleges and universities while considering your eligibility for admission at undergraduate level. As it not easy to compare students/ applicants solely based on GPA as the applicants can be from different countries, cities, schools and curriculums. SAT along with the GPA, extracurricular activities/achievements, Essays are important for holistic assessment of the candidates' eligibility for admission.

❗️SAT scores are also really important when you are applying for Scholarships and Grants.

✅SAT scores are accepted by colleges and universities for undergraduate admission in following countries -
1. USA
2. India
3. UK
4. Singapore
5. Malaysia
6. Canada
7. Australia and many other countries.

📲 @SAT_with_Yorqinbek

Post foydali bo'lgan bo'lsa reaksiyalar bilan aktivlik ko'rsating, ertaga yana bo'lishaman Alloh nasib etsa✊

👆Kechagi talablarga binoan bugun 🇬🇧UK scholarships haqida post tayyorladim:

1️⃣University of Leicester

Ranking #201 (Times Higher Education)
International students: 4659/15029
Online programs: 40

Scotland’s Saltire Scholarships for International Students : 8000 💷
Ukraine Conflict Distance Learning Sanctuary Scholarship 9706 💷

Goldsmiths, University of LondonGoldsmiths, University of London

Ranking #401 (Times Higher Education)
International students: 3450/9325
Online programs: 35

International Response Scholarship: 8825 💷

3️⃣King's college London

Ranking #38 (Times Higher Education)
International students: 13824/28248
Online programs: 64

Sanctuary Scholarship: 13022 💷.

Yana qanaqa mavzuda post kutmoqdasiz, keyingi 1 haftalik uchun post plan qilyabman albatta yozib qoldiring, IELTS haqida ham tashlashim mumkin kimgadir qiziq bo'lsa (faqat haftada 2-3 marta)


723 0 0 12 14

Ingliz tilida ham post tashlagim keldi)

Hi dears🙋‍♂️😃

📌In this post I am showing the differences between IELTS and SAT tests🙂

🤓Let's first understand the general concepts of IELTS and SAT.

🔴IELTS tests a candidate's level of English. IELTS scores are used by corporations around the world as well as universities in the United Kingdom, the United States, Ireland, Australia, Canada and New Zealand as a benchmark for employment and higher education. More than 3,000 universities in the United States use IELTS scores to decide whether an applicant is eligible to takehigher education in English. IELTS is a mandatory test if you are planning to move to the country to work or study. If you are going to work abroad, IELTS is enough.

🔵SAT scores are mainly used as a benchmark for university admission in the United States and Canada. This indicates that the candidate is ready for college. The SAT is a test of four different skills - a measure of mathematical skill (using a calculator as well as without using it), English grammar, and reading and writing skills.

❕SAT is designed for undergraduate students aiming to enter highly selective colleges. IELTS is taken to check the level of English language proficiency.


Evening vibes))

Men siz🫵 haqizda qayg'urdim

P.S bilsez bilarsiz😁

911 0 0 12 51

🤔Negadir hammasidanam ko'proq shu kanaldan xavotir oldim chunki adminlik faqat 1 ta akkauntda edi

Guruhlarim, o'quvchilarim bilan qayta aloqaga chiqib olish esa unaqa katta muammo emasdi chunki hammasini raqamlari bor)

1 oylik mehnatim, salkam 1000 taga yaqin aktiv auditoriyani Fevralda yana qaytadan yig'a olamanmi yo'qmi deb ko'p o'ylandim

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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